Employee Flu Vaccination Clinics Tower 2 Mezzanine, across from the Shop on the Pike, Oct. 13 – Oct. 20, 6:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Annual TB Screening also is available during employee flu clinics. Please bring your hospital ID and wear loose clothing. The clinic schedule for sites throughout the distributed campus is posted: OHS is also distributing vaccine through the “peer-to-peer” program in all inpatient and some ambulatory areas. Contact Occupational Health Services at with questions about employee clinics and the peer-to-peer program. PeopleSoft Documentation As in past years, all employees are required by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) to document in PeopleSoft that they either received a flu vaccination or declined to be vaccinated by Dec. 15, Those who decline will need to enter a reason for their declination.PeopleSoft Employees who receive their flu vaccination through the BWH OHS flu clinics, including the Peer-to- Peer Program, will not need to enter this information into PeopleSoft; it is documented automatically. Beginning this year, The Joint Commission requires students who are working or volunteering at BWH for 30 or more days between Aug. 1, 2012, and March 1, 2013, to complete a flu vaccination attestation.
Abstract Submissions Open for 2013 IID Online abstract submission for 2013 IID opens on 28 September 2012 and will close on 3 January 2013 To submit an abstract use the link below: To see a list of abstract categories visit: For any queries about abstract submission please contact: ESDR Tel: Fax:
RESEARCH LEADERSHIP PROGRAM (RLP): Establishing Your Basic, Clinical or Translational Research Program at BWH Call for Applications - deadline October 31, 2012 The RLP is designed to support junior faculty members, at the Instructor and Assistant Professor rank, who have recently made the transition to the Principal Investigator role, and to prepare them for the challenges of establishing their research programs at BWH. The RLP enhances the participants’ capacity to lead complex research projects and teams, and improves their ability to successfully navigate the BWH and HMS landscapes. Participants experience an active and dynamic learning environment with a cohort of colleagues from a range of disciplines. The course co-directors are joined in each session with one of BWH’s scientific and clinical leaders, who provide diverse views and mentorship. This course is intended for individuals who are developing independent research programs and meet eligibility criteria in 3 of these 4 areas: - Recruited from outside BWH as a clinical or basic researcher - Independent grants of financial support - Direct supervisory responsibilities - Assigned research space (Applicants who do not meet above criteria will have the opportunity to explain extenuating circumstances and may be accepted if space allows) Apply online at:
Intercultural Careers Series The Intercultural Careers Series includes programs and courses that provide career support and training for international researchers pursuing careers in the US, family members of international researchers adapting to life in the US, and all others facing the challenges of working in multicultural environments at BWH. Succeeding in a Global Workplace: Working in Multicultural Labs - October 30, 2012 Please join Anne Copeland, PhD, Executive Director, The Interchange Institute, to learn strategies that support team success in a multicultural lab. Dr. Copeland will discuss core cultural values that exist around the world, help us to examine our own values, and review several case studies with a focus on relationships between lab directors and staff, decision-making about publication authorship, and work commitment. Future topics & dates: J-1 Visa Overview and Travel Tips - December 3, 2012 Presented by the Partners International Office Drop by for J-Visa Travel Signatures between1-2pm English as a Second Language Course for Scientists Applications accepted in December 2012 for February - May 2013 semester Managing Cultural Transitions - February 11, 2013 Speaker: Anne Copeland, PhD, Executive Director, The Interchange Institute Open to family members of BWH Postdocs Green Card Information Session for Internationals - March 11, 2013 Speakers: Immigration Attorneys from Landoli & Desai, P.C.
CAREER ADVANCEMENT PROGRAM FOR SCIENTISTS (CAPS) BWH Office for Research Careers (ORC) seeks to better prepare postdocs for careers outside of academia and to meet common challenges which senior postdocs encounter: a lack of career development skills and an understanding of the transition to non-academic paths. See the Career Advancement Program for Scientists (CAPS) webpage for resources, self-assessments, career development seminars/workshops, and self-directed activities. Putting Your Science to Work: Practical Career Strategies for Scientists Peter Fiske, PhD October 18, 2012 How to Find a Job in Tough Economic Times Sarah Cardozo-Duncan November 6, 2012 Effective Job Search Strategies Lauren Celano, MBA January 4, 2013 The Art of Interviewing Sarah Cardozo-Duncan April 2, 2013 Insider Tips for the Job Search Process Lauren Celano, MBA June 4, 2013 CONTACT US: Caroline Rotondi, Administrative Director, Office for Research Careers, Center for Faculty Development & Diversity or
Effective Negotiations Tuesday, November 27 ~ 12:00 - 1:30pm One Brigham Circle, 4th Floor, Room 4002B Please register online: To be effective in your career requires learning how to negotiate with senior managers, subordinates and peers. This seminar will help you explore approaches to potentially challenging conversations and your own style of negotiation. The highly interactive program will include relevant exercises designed to enhance your skills. Upon completion of this activity, participants will be able to: - Understand the building blocks of a good negotiation - Interpret their personal inclinations toward conflict resolution - Better interact with colleagues Melissa Brodrick, Ombudsperson at Harvard Medical School, will lead the seminar. In her role as Ombudperson Ms. Brodrick assists Harvard faculty, staff, students and trainees who are experiencing conflict to organize their ideas, acquire relevant information, and create options for resolution. Lunch will be provided. CME credit is available.
Preparing You and Your CV, for Promotion at Harvard Medical School The Center for Faculty Development & Diversity will present an overview of faculty promotions at Harvard Medical School highlighting the criteria, timing, principles and pathways for promotion, and offering resources and requirements for preparing yourself and your HMS CV. The seminar is open to all faculty considering, or in the process of promotion, as well as department leaders and administrators who are responsible for academic advancement of their faculty. Wednesday, November 28, 4:30 - 6pm Faulkner Hospital - Atrium 1(2nd Floor) Please register online: Light refreshments will be provided. CME Credit will be available.
The Scientist – Best Places to Work Survey Best Places to Work Surveys 2013 are Open! Postdocs vote - POSTDOC; Research Faculty vote - ACADEMIA. Vote before November 26th and enter to win a $100 Amazon gift card Link: scientist.com/?articles.view/articleNo/32563/title/Best% 20Places%20to%20Work%20Surveys%20Openhttp:// scientist.com/?articles.view/articleNo/32563/title/Best% 20Places%20to%20Work%20Surveys%20Open
BWH Dermatology Research Presentation Schedule October 26Dr. Schatton’s Lab November 2Dr. Clark’s Lab November 9Dr. Rheinwald’s Lab November 16Dr. Widlund’s Lab