Paar Karo Udhaar Karo Prabhu Parthi Puri Bhagawan O Lord of Parthi, uplift us and help us grow spiritually; By Your grace alone, one never falls again into the terrible vortex of Birth and Death Harey Ram Ram Ram Ghana Shyam Shyam Shyam Hey Sai Natha Bhagawan O Lord Sai! We worship You in the form of Rama and Krishna
Deena Dhayala Kara Karuna Moorthi Kaliyuga Avathar Sai Bhagawan O Lord Sai Ram, incarnation of the Kali age! Merciful and gracious to the needy, Your descent is meant for bestowing the highest benefit on humanity Allah Sai Buddha Zorashtra Eshu Christu Bhagawan O Lord! You are Allah, Sai, Buddha, Zorashtra and Christ
Paar Karo Udhaar Karo Prabhu Parthi Puri Bhagawan O Lord of Parthi, uplift us and help us grow spiritually; By Your grace alone, one never falls again into the terrible vortex of Birth and Death Harey Ram Ram Ram Ghana Shyam Shyam Shyam Hey Sai Natha Bhagawan O Lord Sai! We worship You in the form of Rama and Krishna
Deena Dhayala Kara Karuna Moorthi Kaliyuga Avathar Sai Bhagawan O Lord Sai Ram, incarnation of the Kali age! Merciful and gracious to the needy, Your descent is meant for bestowing the highest benefit on humanity Allah Sai Buddha Zorashtra Eshu Christu Bhagawan O Lord! You are Allah, Sai, Buddha, Zorashtra and Christ