An Attitude Adjustment. 2 Cor. 8:1-15
Introduction A mother wanted to teach her little girl about stewardship. Gave her a ringgit and a ten cents coin. “You decide which one to give for the offering.”
Waited from her daughter to return from service. “I was ready with the one ringgit, just than the pastor said we should be cheerful givers.”
I knew I would be much more cheerful if I gave the ten cents. So I did.
Do you view giving as: an obstacle ? burden ? punishment? We need to change our attitude about giving.
We need to be transformed from an attitude of: Greed to generosity; Grudgingly to giving liberally. Being stingy to an attitude of sharing.
Context The place: Jerusalem The need: In desperate need. The center of the most severe persecution.
They were outspoken believers at a great cost. They suffered economically, politically, socially and emotionally.
Attitude Adjustment # 1 Giving is not a punishment but a privilege. (v.1-4)
Privilege to have God work through us. – v.1 God was moving powerfully among the Macedonian churches – v.2 A great ordeal of affliction. But an abundance of joy in giving.
There was severe poverty but a wealth of generosity. When we are afflicted, how we respond reveals who we really are. The Macedonians responded in an outstanding way.
A privilege to help meet the needs of the needy – v.3,4 The Macedonians begged to be a part of the collection. They went beyond their ability. For them it was an opportunity to help.
Attitude Adjustment # 2 Giving is not an obstacle, but an opportunity. (v.5-9)
It is an opportunity for worship. (v.5-6) Another way to give yourself to Jesus. It is an opportunity for growth. (v.7) The Corinthian church was a “happening” church.
They had lively worship, gifted believers, miracles and wonders. It was located in a prosperous city. But they needed to grow in their giving.
When you truly give yourself totally to God, you will have little problem giving your substance to God. Our generosity in giving material blessings says a lot about the size of our spiritually.
It is an opportunity to be like Jesus (v.8-9). 1 John 3:16-18 – Love with actions and in truth. Story C.H Spurgeon – and his orphans.
Attitude Adjustment # 3Giving is not a burden.It is a blessing
It is blessing to be like Jesus (v.8,9) Jesus is not laying another “command” but a blessing. A blessing to partake in. To prove the sincerity of our love. Prov.19:17
It is blessing to give what you have (v.10-12) We give according to what we have and not what we do not have. God measures the sincerity and the heart of the giver more than the size of the gift.
Jesus said that it is “more blessed to give than to receive” – Acts 20:35 Do you really believe that?
The Corinthians were once spiritually bankrupt. But the Gospel went to them. Now it was time to return the favor.
Conclusion “The basic question is not how much of our money should we give to God, but how much of God’s money should we keep for ourselves”. - J. Oswald Sanders
“ A religion that gives nothing, costs nothing and suffers nothing, is worth nothing.” - Martin Luther