The Great Solar System By Latrell Swope
Mercury Mercury is the closest planet to the very hot sun. Burn! It has no moons. Mercury is the closest planet to the very hot sun. Burn! It has no moons.
Venus Venus is the 2 nd planet from the sun! It has no water on the planet. Venus is the 2 nd planet from the sun! It has no water on the planet.
Earth Earth has oxygen. Earth has one moon. Earth has oxygen. Earth has one moon. Earth is the 3nd planet from the very hot sun. Earth is the 3nd planet from the very hot sun.
Mars Mars is 6,800 km from the sun. It is named after the god of war. Mars is 6,800 km from the sun. It is named after the god of war.
Jupiter Jupiter is the biggest planet in the solar system. Jupiter is the biggest planet in the solar system.
Neptune Neptune has rings. Neptune has rings.
Ceres Ceres is a dwarf planet that has a point in the middle. Ceres is a dwarf planet that has a point in the middle.
Pluto Pluto is named after the Roman god of the Pluto is named after the Roman god of theunderworld.
Eris Eris is larger than Pluto and part of the solar system. Eris is larger than Pluto and part of the solar system.