Other music terms
Syncopation Sometimes referred to as being “off-beat” Feels surprising, uncertain, exciting, or just more interesting
Syncopation Example
Tempo terms Accelerando – if the music speeds up Rallentando or Ritardando – if the music slows down Largo – slow and broad Adagio – slow Andante – “walking”, a medium slow tempo Moderato – moderate or medium Allegro – Fast Vivo (or Vivace) – lively and brisk Presto – Very fast Prestissimo – very, very fast
Major instrument groups
Instruments – Strings 4 stringed instruments commonly used in the modern orchestra: Violin – highest sound, most numerous Viola – slightly larger, w/ a deeper and more mellow sound Cello – much bigger, noticeably lower and deeper sound Bass – so big the player must sit on a stool or stand to play, has a very low sound All are usually played by use of a bow, but sometimes played by plucking them
Instruments - Woodwinds 4 types commonly used in any modern orchestra Flute – no reed, high pitched Oboe – double reed, deeper pitched Clarinet – single reed, wide range of notes and very versatile Bassoon – Largest and lowest pitched standard woodwind All woodwinds are played by blowing into them and using ones fingers to cover various holes to produce notes
Instruments - Brass All made of metal (silver alloy or brass) Sound produced by “buzzing” the lips against the mouthpiece Rest of instrument just amplifies and refines the sound Slides or valves help achieve various notes 4 varieties typically in an orchestra: Trumpets – small, high pitch French Horn – more conical and mellower than trumpet Trombone – only valveless brass instrument, uses a slide Tuba – largest and lowest sounding
Instruments - Percussion Anything not classified as a string, woodwind, or brass Mostly various drums or instruments hit by drumsticks or beaters Drums Cymbals Xylophones Tambourine, triangle, maracas, wood blocks, bells, and scrapers Piano and various whistles
Basic Voice Types Typical Female voices: Soprano – highest female voice Mezzo-soprano – mid-range Contralto – lowest Typical Male voices: Tenor – highest male voice Baritone – mid-range Bass – lowest None of the above are only male or female voice types
Voice examples Example of vocal range
Instruments example
Music Criticism
Step 1 - Description Give simple details such as: Title Artist (if it is a cover, name original and current artist) Length Year written Also give : Subject of song Instruments used Type of voice(s) Genre
Step 2 - Analysis Describe how the elements of music are used (Tempo, melody, harmony, form, timbre, dynamics, and rhythm) Describe why you think they are used that way
Step 3 - Interpretation What is the mood or meaning What does the artist do to create them
Step 4 – Judgment There are 5 criteria to base a judgment on: 1. Timbre – quality of tone, range, variety, appeal of musical sounds 2. Expressiveness – interpretation, style, and phrasing 3. Technique – the performers skill 4. Presentation – choice/appropriateness of music – whether the performer meets expectations 5. Impact – artist’s charisma – newness (uniqueness) of what you hear – how the artists compares to similar artists you have heard
Summary 5-6 sentence summary
Music Criticism Practice The first song we will complete as a group You will complete the second song on your own
Song 1 I’m Yours Jason Mraz 4:04 2008
Song 2 Where’d You Go Fort Minor 3:51 2005
Use Subjective/Objective statements Objective – Facts Subjective - Opinion Never just say “I love it” or “I hate it” without giving reasoning Always base a subjective statement on an objective statement
With a partner… Listen to the song I play and answer the worksheet completely – remain silent while music is played Today’s song: Title: World Artist: Five for Fighting Length: 3:53 Date: 2006 Make sure to ask questions so that you are comfortable with this process – it will be on your test Remember to bring a device and headphones tomorrow
Music criticism outlining Description Title Artist Date Length Subject of song Instruments/types of voice used Extra artist/genre info (if you have any) Analysis Describe how you hear music elements used Describe why you think they are used that way Interpretation What is the mood/meaning What does the artist do to create them Judgment 1. Timbre 2. Expressiveness 3. Technique 4. Presentation 5. Impact
Look at the picture and… Think of a type (genre) of music that would accompany it What would the melody be like (what instrument or type of voice would create it – timbre)? What would the speed (tempo) be like? Can you name a specific song that fits your description?