EEA and its European Topic Centres Consortia of institutions across EEA member countries EEA Main office Copenhagen ETC (NL) Air polution and Climate Change mitigation ETC (FR) Biological Diveristy ETC (IT) Climate Change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation ETC (CZ) Inland, Coastal and Marine waters ETC (DK) Sustainable Consuption and Production ETC (ES) Spatial Information and Analysis GIS work in EEA is very distributed Consortia can change every five years
Other international data sources Other web enabled content Topic centres & EEA produce European datasets EEA web enabled content Member countries deliver national data Collection and desimination Member country 1 Member country 2 Member country 3 Member country... EEA managed content External content EEA Main office Copenhagen ReportNet Web services / Web applications / Web sites Downloadable datasets / etc... European Topic Centres (ETC) European Topic Centres (ETC)
Centralized Maintenance Monitoring Functionality ETC (IT) Climate Change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation Web based SDI ArcGis Server Farm On premisse ArcGis online ArcGis online Cloud EEA Central infrastructure consumer ETC (FR) Biological Diveristy ETC (DK) Sustainable Consuption and Production ETC (NL) Air polution and Climate Change mitigation ETC (ES) Spatial Information and Analysis ETC (CZ) Inland, Coastal and Marine waters Decentralized publishing
Simplify publishing on the web for European Topic Centres and EEA staff Any GIS desktop user can publish based on some easy guidance Any GIS desktop user can publish based on some easy guidance
Simplify meta data management for European Topic Centres and EEA staff Tools to import from EEA Catalog and export as INSPIRE ISO19139 Use the build in INSPIRE validation. Metadata stays with the source.
Websites Mobile apps ArcGis desktop Mapinfo Quantum GIS UdIG ArcGis online Manager, Citizens, Policy makers Publish once, use anywhere Desktop software Web applications GIS Experts, Analysts, Database experts Thematic experts Produce easy to understand interactive maps Guided by templates to ensure common user interfaces ArcGis Server Farm ArcGis online ArcGis online
Make interactive maps Web-service (map service) Web-service (tiled service) Web-service (feature service) Web-service (map service) Web map (configuration) Web application (template) Web application (configuration) Map document (ArcMap) Map for Office (Excel) Desktop Web-services Web maps Web applications
Web-service (map service) Web map (configuration) Web application (template) Map document (ArcMap)
Centralized Maintenance Monitoring Functionality ETC (IT) Climate Change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation Web based SDI ArcGis Server Farm On premisse ArcGis online ArcGis online Cloud EEA Central infrastructure consumer ETC (FR) Biological Diveristy ETC (DK) Sustainable Consuption and Production ETC (NL) Air polution and Climate Change mitigation ETC (ES) Spatial Information and Analysis ETC (CZ) Inland, Coastal and Marine waters Decentralized publishing
Web maps everywhere /nature/index_en.htm consumer ArcGis online ArcGis online Map config ?? Map config 3 Map config 4 Map config 1 Map config 2
EEA maps to the global level consumer ArcGis online ArcGis online Map config ?? Map config 3 Map config 4 Map config 1 Map config 2
ArcGis online as central repository
Centralized Maintenance Monitoring Functionality ETC (IT) Climate Change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation Web based SDI ArcGis Server Farm On premisse ArcGis online ArcGis online Cloud EEA Central infrastructure consumer ETC (FR) Biological Diveristy ETC (DK) Sustainable Consuption and Production ETC (NL) Air polution and Climate Change mitigation ETC (ES) Spatial Information and Analysis ETC (CZ) Inland, Coastal and Marine waters Decentralized publishing
Centralized maintenance Total items published
Centralized maintenance Who is using Corine Landcover services, how many and what’s the map name? Filter on all Landcover services
Adding functionality by developing reusable templates Web application (template) End user can pick from a number of templates