TB Alert’s Programme: Local TB Partnerships Manchester Health & Wellbeing Forum. Wed 27 th June. Elias Phiri, Head of Awareness Programmes, TB Alert Hanif Bobat, Community Development Officer, TB Alert
Background Information on LTBPs TB Alert is implementing TTATB – a programme of work that brings together PCTs/NHS, LA,TSOs and PATB to raise awareness about TB among the people most vulnerable to TB. Why involve TSOs in TB care and control? Most effective and sustainable; Knowledge of, access to, trust of communities they support; speak same language, already providing other services. BUT TSOs are not involved in TB service delivery; lack of knowledge; capacity and resources to deliver TB services; TB may not be seen as a priority in their community.
Developing Capacity of TSOs to deliver TB awareness Programmes TB Alert Awareness Seminars TB Training workshops: TB Resources Packs. TSOs that attended the workshops were highly motivated to deliver TB awareness programmes and TBA identified a need to establish a local mechanism for TSOs to work together and provide a reference and coordination point for statutory stakeholders on TB programmes. Thus the develop of the LTBPs programme- a mechanism to develop the role of the TSOs and PATB in local TB care and control, and provide links between local TSOs and statutory agencies (local NHS, LA, HPU, etc).
Local TB Partnership: Aim and Objectives Aim: The main aim of LTBP is to provide a partnership of TSOs and statutory stakeholders that plans how TSOs and PATB are effectively and cost efficiently contributes to local TB care and control. Objectives: Provide education and awareness of TB locally. Work with statutory stakeholders to improve the design and delivery of local TB services. Work with statutory stakeholders to plan and build the role of third sector organisations and PATB in local TB care and control programmes. be recognised by statutory stakeholders as a legitimate and necessary civil society TB partnership. be representative of and owned by locally affected communities. Will ensure that LTBP are aligned to local health services: Health and Wellbeing Board, CCGs TB programmes, etc.
Membership of Local TB Partnership Membership of LTBPs will ensure that key local stakeholders and representatives in TB service design and delivery are included. Membership of LTBPs will also ensure that it reflects the pattern of the disease locally. Thus each LTBP will have membership drawn from the following: Statutory organisations: LA, HPU, NHS/PCTs (CCGs) Third Sector organisations: TSOs working with communities at higher risk to TB in an area. Communities affected by TB: PATB, community leaders of communities at higher risk of TB.
Coordination and Management of LTBPs Each LTBP will have a Steering Committee that will lead of the coordination and management of the LTBP: Chairperson, Secretary and two(2) committee members. We envisage the LTBP will meet quarterly, thus the Steering Committee will be able to meet between LTBPs meetings. TB Alert’s Community Development Officers will coordinate and facilitate the coordination and management of LTBPs in the first 6-12 months. TB Alert has set a budget of X for the development of the GM LTBPs for the initial phase of LTBP.
Local TB Partnership Proposed Activities Detailed work programmes and activities will be developed once the LTBPs are established as most of the core activities of the Partnerships will be developed in consultation with the LTBP members. However, the core activities of the LTBP are expected to include the following: Developing the role of TSOs at all local points in local TB programmes. Developing local TB awareness activities. Advising statutory partners on TB service design and delivery. Advocating for locally commissioned and funded TB awareness services delivered by TSOs. Developing and guiding PATB involvement. Sharing good practice of delivering TB awareness programmes. Feedback to services by PATB if necessary.
Next Steps in establishing LTBP in Greater Manchester Consult with key stakeholders on the implementation of the Greater Manchester LTBP. Recruitment of members to the GM LTBP: ensuring that key TB stakeholders are represented at the GM LTBP. Facilitating and holding of the first LTBP meeting to agree on the key areas of work that the GM LTBP will deliver: ensuring that the proposed Greater Manchester LTBP is aligned to Greater Manchester TB strategy.