USACE Flood Risk Management and Silver Jackets Workshop Sandra K. Knight, PhD, PE, D.WRE Deputy Associate Administrator for Mitigation, FEMA August 21, 2012 Views from Senior Leadership: Achieving Success Working Together
2 Dr. Sandra K. Knight – Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration – August 2012 Achieving Success Working Together Levees: Continued and Improved Alignment Presidential Policy Directive 8 (PPD-8)
FEMA’s Mission & Role In Levee Mapping FEMA’s Mission: To support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards. Roles within Risk Analysis: FEMA maps the flood hazards on NFIP maps, based on a levee system meeting the requirements of the NFIP regulations (44 CFR 65.10). Help community officials and citizens understand their flood risk so that they can take the necessary steps to reduce those risks 3
Through Senate Report , FEMA was: “…directed to convene a joint task force with USACE to better align NFIP levee accreditation requirements with levee inspections performed by or for USACE such that information and data collected for either purpose can be used interchangeably to the maximum extent practicable toward satisfying levee accreditation requirements.” FEMA-USACE Task Force (“Levee12 TF”) 4
New FEMA Levee Analysis & Mapping Approach for Non- accredited Levees Congressional and community concern: FEMA’s “without levee” analysis for all non-accredited levee systems was too broad. In February 2011, a group of U.S. Representatives and Senators wrote to FEMA requesting a new approach. In early March 2011, FEMA placed ongoing studies with non-accredited levee systems on-hold, and committed to developing a new approach 5
Where we are going with the new approach? Suite of analyses and mapping procedures Ability to split a levee system into distinct reaches Stronger engagement with community officials and decision makers in a collaborative decision making process 6
Long-Term Solution There is a need for a comprehensive NFIP solution for levees that addresses: Floodplain Management Flood Insurance Flood Hazard Mapping Risk Communication Ongoing National Academy of Sciences (NAS) study, with recommendations to FEMA expected in April NFIP Reform 7
8 Dr. Sandra K. Knight – Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration – August 2012 Presidential Policy Directive 8 (PPD-8) Flood and Floodplain Management Collaborative Session with Federal Partners
Five mission areas contribute to preparedness Interagency Operations Plans Prevention Protection Mitigation Response Recovery Preventing, avoiding, or stopping a threatened or an actual act of terrorism. The capabilities necessary to secure the homeland against acts of terrorism and manmade or natural disasters. The capabilities necessary to reduce loss of life and property by lessening the impact of disasters. The capabilities necessary to save lives, protect property and the environment, and meet basic human needs after an incident has occurred. The capabilities necessary to assist communities affected by an incident to recover effectively. Mitigation is the Thread that Permeates the Fabric of National Preparedness PPD-8
Comprehensive Mitigation includes strategies for all community systems 10 Mitigation is not limited to any one level of government, area of the community, or organization. The whole community has a role in risk reduction, by recognizing, understanding, communicating, and planning for a community’s future resilience. PPD-8
PPD-8 Mitigation addresses risks present through various hazard types 11 The Mitigation Framework is oriented around the identification and the greatest reduction of risks as they pertain to the individual, community, and Nation. Risk types may include: Natural Technological/Accidental Adversarial/Human- Caused
PPD-8 Achieving Mitigation in the National Preparedness Goal 12 Federal departments and agencies engaged in risk management activities deliver mitigation core capabilities in a coordinated effort to achieve joint mitigation goals and objectives.
PPD-8 What are Mitigation’s Core Capabilities as described in the NPG? 13 Threats and Hazard Identification Risk and Disaster Resilience Assessment Planning Community Resilience Public Information and Warning Long Term Vulnerability Reduction Operational Coordination
14 Dr. Sandra K. Knight – Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration – August 2012 Questions?
FEMA’s Inventory of Levee Status 15
FEMA’s Inventory of Levee Status 16
Design Level Levee Categories Area represents all levees throughout the US. 4 Local & Other NFIP only 3 Local built / Enrolled in RIP 1 Federal O&M 2 USACE built / Local O&M NFIP & USACE No Prior Nexus with USACE or FEMA USACE Inventory and Assessment Objective: Assess all levees in USACE programs, regardless of level of design. 1% chance FEMA NFIP Objective: Communicate the most current information for flood insurance purposes. USACE only Universe of Levees Not to scale WRDA Authorities Objective: Inventory all levees in nation, lead strategic plan for a National Levee Safety Program New Nexus from WRDA