ARTEMIS JU Grant Agreement number WP4 Instantiation WP4 Status 25 September, 2013
Arjan Geven, 25-Sept-2013 Page 2 ARTEMIS JU Grant Agreement number WP 4 Objectives Define a domain-independent procedure for instantiation 1.Take the generic results from WP2 and WP3 2.Translate them to the industrial domains 3.Enhance with domain-specific extensions Prepare guidelines for instantiation to ”other new domains” Generic Models Processes Tools Domain-specific Models Processes Tools Company-specific Models Processes Tools WP 2 WP 3 WP4 WP5 Implementation and use
Arjan Geven, 25-Sept-2013 Page 3 ARTEMIS JU Grant Agreement number Background of WP 4 ARP 4754 DO 178B/C DO 254 ISO EN EN EN IEC … Generic Process Model Component Model, Contracts, V&V CAR CTF & Tools automotiveaerospacerailwaycross-and-other Generic results Domain-specific Instantiation
Arjan Geven, 25-Sept-2013 Page 4 ARTEMIS JU Grant Agreement number Guidelines and Process Model Analyse steps taken in the instantiation process for automotive, aerospace and railway Particular focus on cross-domain instantiation Cross-domain defines commonalities and differences between standards as a reference to the „Generic“ part of the GPM Define commonalities and differences in the domain-specific instantiation Prepare guidelines for instantiation to new domains E.g. robotics, industrial automation, healthcare
Arjan Geven, 25-Sept-2013 Page 5 ARTEMIS JU Grant Agreement number Component-based approach Generic component model comes from WP2.2 Mapping of properties / attributes / contracts to relevant frameworks in the individual domains Automotive: EAST-ADL, AUTOSAR,... Concepts available cover explicit safety properties, e.g. safety case, safety requirement, safety constraint, error model and hazard. Aerospace: AADL, lwCCM,... Concepts such as performance, schedulability, and reliability can be modeled in thread components. Application components have properties that specify timing requirements, further constraints can be modeled as component properties Railway and Cross-Domain: CHESS / VERDE, CESAR, UML/MARTE Instantiation Component Model
Arjan Geven, 25-Sept-2013 Page 6 ARTEMIS JU Grant Agreement number Tool Framework and artefact repository (M24) Instantiation of WP3 CTF, CAR and Tools on the basis of the generic process model and/or component model Utilization of instantiatied process model as a driver for the CTF (pSC: railway only) Configuration of the tool framework with regards to the instantiation process model Selection of railway-relevant tools Demonstrator-specific toolset (e.g. coverage verification?) Configuration and adaptation of this toolset Preparation of Instantiation CTF & CAR (for railway)
Arjan Geven, 25-Sept-2013 Page 7 ARTEMIS JU Grant Agreement number Overview of current planning situation: Deliverables D4.1.1 Review of specific safety requirements and software development practice for the automotive, construction equipment, avionics and railway domains finished M12 D4.1.2 Modeling and methodology for reusing software in automotive, construction equipment, avionics and railway domains finished M21 D4.1.3 Methodology integration for reusability of component in the automotive, construction equipment, avionics and railway domains, finished M27 D4.3.1 Enhancements of the pSafeCer Tools Platform for the railway domain, finished M28 D4.4.1 Review of specific safety requirements and software development practice and resulting guidelines for tools and methodology integration for reusability of component in other (and new) domains finished M25
Arjan Geven, 25-Sept-2013 Page 8 ARTEMIS JU Grant Agreement number Partners involved