KE EMu Reporting Training Page 1 KE EMu Reports
KE EMu Reporting Training Page 2 Day One Objectives Understand the KE EMu/Crystal reports relationship Generate a report in KE EMu Use the report properties Create a Crystal Report using a blank report Create a Crystal Report using a wizard Edit a report Create a sub-report in Crystal Reports Create a formula in Crystal Reports Today we will learn how to:
KE EMu Reporting Training Page 3 Day Two Objectives Create a mail merge using Microsoft Word Use images in a Word mail merge Add an image to a Crystal Report Create a report (that includes a chart) using Microsoft Excel At the end of today you will be able to:
KE EMu Reporting Training Page 4 Day One Revision Step one: Create or edit a report in KE EMu Select fields Define sort order Set security options Step two: Create or edit a report in Crystal Designer Select ODBC source Add database fields Add groups Add sub and grand totals Add summary or count fields Insert a chart Step three: Save report back to KE EMu server The main steps required to create or edit a report are: