STUDENT COURSE Problem 1 a. Many students register for many courses, many- to-many (M:N) BOOK BOOK COPY b. Many copies are made from one book, but not of more than one, one-to-many (1:M) COURSE SECTION c. One course can have several sections, which only have one course, one-to-many (1:M) ROOM SECTION d. One room can have many sections of the same course, one-to-many (1:M) INSTRUCTOR COURSE e. Several instructors can teach several courses, many-to-many (M:N) Registers for Is printed as Is taken by Is a copy of Is divided into Is a division of Hosts Is scheduled in Teaches Is lead by
Problem 6 I recently worked for a small computer manufacturer as a support technician and watched the data management for the production process slowly move toward a single source. It has not yet made it all the way, but it’s close and I was able to put together an Enterprise-level model for how it will likely end up. ORDER ASSEMBLY PART INVOICE INVENTORY CUSTOMER PURCHASE ORDER SALES REP TECHNICIAN VENDOR Assembly/Product - Computer made and sold by the company Customer - Client who purchased products from the company Inventory - List of all parts and products the company currently has Invoice - Record of Customer’s purchase Order - Tracking object of customer’s purchase Part - Item used to build the product Purchase Order - Record of company’s purchase of parts from a vendor Sales Representative - Employee contact for customer’s purchase Technician - Employee who builds the product Vendor - Supplier of parts needed to build the product
Problem 7 a.The person who uses the database is responsible for the accuracy of the data it contains. b.Adding data to the database should be done at workstations, while processing of the data into information can be done on the database server. c.Security can be added to the information by restricting access to the database and database server to those people in the department as the people who need access to the data. d.An enterprise should appoint a person or group of people to handle all decisions concerning the standard creation, implementation, and enforcement. e.Create a standard interface to be used by any accessing unit or technology as the only way to access the data to force the different entities to interact in the same way and adhere to standards.