How do you obtain your daily news? Warm Up Activity How do you obtain your daily news? List five general media sources that provide news. List as many specific examples of media sources as you can.
General Media Sources Newspapers Television Magazines Internet Radio
Specific Media Sources Newspapers- USA Today, New York Times, New York Post, Wall Street Journal, Washington Times, Washington Post, Chicago Tribune Television- Local, Network, Cable Magazines- Time, US News and World Report, Newsweek Radio- Hannity, Limbaugh, radio stations Internet- Google any Newspapers website
Mass Media and New Media Mass Media- Means of communication that are technologically capable of reaching most people and economically affordable to most News Media- Cable and satellite TV, fax, email, and the Internet – the media that have grown out of the technological advances of the past few decades. CNN Effect- it is the ability of TV to raise a national and/or foreign tragedy to prominence by broadcasting vivid pictures.
Evaluate Your News Sources Liberal Media vs. Conservative Media Selective Perception- One’s tendency to discount information that is inconsistent with one’s prior predisposition in favor of information consistent with what one already believes. Selection Principle- The news stories media sources chose to cover because of certain characteristics that other news stories are lacking; negative news. Spin- The positive or negative slant that reporters or anchors put on their reports.
3 Major Media Effects on the National Political Arena Agenda Setting/Public Agenda Priming Framing
Agenda Setting/Public Agenda It is when the media affects the issues and problems people think about; it is societal problems that the media has exposed and both the government and the public agree need attention. Examples: Iraq War, Political Campaigns, Social Security, Unemployment Rate, Minimum Wage Where can agenda setting be found?
Priming Is when the media alters the standards people use to evaluate political figures or the severity of a problem. Examples: 1. George H. W. Bush - Gulf War vs. national economic performance 2. George W. Bush – Performance after 9/11 vs. Iraq War
Framing Is when the media provokes people to think about an issue from one standpoint rather than from others. Example: Prior to Iraq War the collective view of the media/public was pro war