ADULT REDEPLOY ILLINOIS Mary Ann Dyar, Program Administrator National Association of Sentencing Commissions August 7, 2012
Prison Admissions by Felony Class
Crime Reduction Act (Public Act ) Current criminal justice system is not effective and is unsustainable – more than half of people released from prison return within 3 years Being smart on crime involves understanding why people commit crimes and addressing underlying criminogenic needs Statewide information sharing across the criminal justice system is mandated, calling for the adoption of standardized validated assessment system (RANA) It is less expensive and more effective to treat low-level offenders in their communities, reserving prison space for violent criminals Adult Redeploy Illinois, based on successful juvenile model, increases alternatives to incarceration for non-violent offenders
Stated Goals Reduce crime and recidivism at a lower cost to taxpayers Provide financial incentives to counties or judicial circuits to create effective local ‑ level evidence ‑ based services Encourage the successful local supervision of eligible offenders and their reintegration into the locality
Program Infrastructure Adult Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board Funding (Governor appropriation, ARRA JAG grant) Staffing (1 F-T Program Administrator, 2 P-T Technical Assistance Providers -retired judges) Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority support with data, research, evaluation Application process (planning and pilot site implementation grants) Performance measurement plan
Application Process Initial planning grant phase – up to $30,000 (non- competitive) for 90 days – to convene stakeholders and analyze data Completion of local plan – using Standard Plan Template – submitted to ARIOB for approval Pilot site implementation grant phase – competitive grants of up to $1,000,000 (based on population) for 15 to 18 months Performance measured as to progress toward 25% reduction goal in prison commitments from defined target population (or else risk penalty)
Standard Plan Template “Mini-strategic plan” Executive Summary Description of and Justification for the Target Population Description of the Planning Partners Gaps in Sanctions and Services Description of the Proposed Adult Redeploy Illinois Program Model (including incorporation of existing ATIs and human services, and use of EBPs) Timeline Budget and Compliance with the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
Planning and Implementation Grants In two rounds, planning grants were provided to 11 jurisdictions covering 22 counties Of the planning grant sites, 6 requested pilot site implementation grants to implement their local plans. Additionally, 4 counties submitted proposals to be pilot sites. As of August 2011, there are 10 pilot sites.
Different Adult Redeploy Illinois Local Models Specialty courts Drug Courts Mental Health Courts Veterans Courts Specialized probation Probation violator caseloads Intensive probation supervision
Performance Measurement Crime Reduction Act: – 25% reduction in eligible prison commitments – Recidivism – Rate of revocations (probation) – Employment rates – Educational attainment – Successful SA treatment – Restitution payments Site-specific – Number of face-to-face meetings – Caseload sizes – Treatment engagement/re- engagement – Drug court graduation rates – Intervention-specific outcomes
Key Indicators (As of June 2012): 10 sites implemented (out of 10 approved sites) 683 people enrolled (toward total diversion goal of 394) $11 million saved (based on annual per capita prison costs, less the cost of ARI interventions)
LESS EXPENSIVE Cost of a year in prison (FY10): $22,000 Cost of an average ARI intervention: $5,900
MORE EFFECTIVE Evidence-based practices utilized by Adult Redeploy Illinois sites can reduce recidivism up to 20%.
22 EBPs and Promising Practices Currently in Use by Sites 3 assessments 7 general models or methods 12 specific programs or curricula Now available on Adult Redeploy Illinois website:
For more information on Adult Redeploy Illinois, please contact Mary Ann Dyar, Program Administrator, at (312) or Also, visit the web site at