Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Eilidh Fraser Deputy Director of HR
Equality Act 2010 Unifying legislation 9 ‘Protected Characteristics’ Public Sector General Equality Duty - the University, as a public body, must have due regard to the need to: –Eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation –Advance equality of opportunity –Foster good relations
Scottish Specific Duties Publish ‘equality outcomes’ by April 2013 Involvement Report on action & progress every 2 years Gather, use and publish data on employees, recruitment, development and retention by PCs Publish gender pay gap; occupational segregation Assess impact of proposed policies/practices and revisions, and publish Arrange to review existing policies/practices Due regard in procurement criteria & conditions
Equality & Diversity in UoE University Strategic Plan E&D Strategy & Action Plan Dignity & Respect Policy EDMARC Annual Reports E&D website: departments/equality-diversity We are committed to widening participation, increasing diversity and providing equality of opportunity for all prospective and current students and staff. UoE Strategic Plan
We aspire to be a place of first choice for some of the worlds most talented students and gifted staff. We promote a positive culture for working and studying to which every student and member of staff contributes and within which they are able to develop to their full potential. We believe it is central to the concept of a university that all members of that community treat each other with respect, regardless of their race, disability, ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation or beliefs. We will embed E&D across all our work. To achieve this all staff and students have a part to play. Mission and Aspirations
E&B Staff: Gender
E&B Staff: Race & Disability Ethnicity 24% unknown Of known: 5.2% BAME (all grades 1-5) Disability 2% known disabled Nationality
E&B Action in the E&D Strategy Structures & Plans Promote E&D and publicise good practice Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA) Accessibility of the estate Learning & development Foster an inclusive culture & environment Promote good mental health
Assess action for: –your unit/team/service: review the E&D Strategy/Action Plan, set priorities/plans, communication & involvement, information/statistics –your job: priorities for EqIA, training & development, communication with staff –you personally: personal development, leading by example What’s your action plan?