RAH Day 40 Agenda Goal –To understand that the Clinton Administration had both successes and failures and a mixed legacy. To understand that significant economic and technological changes occurred in the 90s. Review results of the Clinton Era Complete p 2 about life in the 90’s Complete p 3 about how life and technology changed in the 1990s Complete p 7 and 8 about global trade and it affects the US Questions from homework – answering all of the course review questions
Clinton job approval Cable News Network, USA Today. CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll # : Microsoft/Parents/'Socially Responsible' [computer file]. 1st Roper Center for Public Opinion Research version. Lincoln, NE: Gallup Organization [producer], Storrs, CT: The Roper Center, University of Connecticut [distributor], 2001.
1. significant economic growth – perceived prosperity increases for people 2.Decreases in number of people on welfare and in poverty – 1996 Welfare Reform Act – ended AFDC, gave block grants to states to develop own welfare programs, work requirements, job training, childcare, 5 yr maximum benefits lifetime, Earned Income Tax Credit 3.4 years of balanced federal budgets (really only 2000 fiscal year – the other surpluses included social security trust fund revenues) due to spending cuts, tax increases on wealthy and economic growth – think vital center economic growth.balanced federal budgets 4.Federal government more efficient, put on-line, cut 272k federal jobs, but hired more private contractors 5.Huge increase in conflict between Democrats and Republicans 6.100k more cops on streets, Brady Gun control bill, assault weapons ban, mandatory minimum sentences – more people in prison 7.Proposed universal healthcare plan – but it failed in Congress – more people now uninsured 8.Peace in the world for US, aside from some terrorism that was building up leading to ’93 WTC bombing by Al Qaeda, ’98 Kenya and Tanzania embassy attacks, 2000 attack on USS Cole in Yemen’93 WTC bombing Clinton’s Legacy
9.Warm relations with Russia 10.Expansion of NATO for greater peace in Europe 11.Peace plan implemented in Arab-Israeli conflict – Israel-Jordan Treaty and broad acceptance of a two-state solution 12.Peace plan for Northern Ireland 13.Peace worked on in Yugoslavia 14.Congress not approving federal judicial appointments – leaving many vacancies to be filled by future Republican Administration. 15.Lots of investigations of Clinton and his friends – leading to convictions of Clinton associates 16.Tremendous distrust between parties – including personal animosities 17.Continued growth of Republican political machine to win elections in local, state and national races culminating in Bush 43 “victory” in Deregulation and streamlining of regulations on businesses like the Telecommunications Act of ’96 leads to huge growth in telecom industry leading to current system of telephone, long-distance, cell, cable and net through single companies 19.Deregulations of banks by repealing parts of 1935 Glass-Steagal Act Clinton’s Legacy N. Ireland Yugoslavia
20.More morality-based laws pass through Congress with little Clinton interference like Defense of Marriage Act. 21.attempts to restrict abortion, 22.cuts in funding for world AIDS prevention, family planning if abortion and contraception are part of the program – partially reversed under Bush Family and Medical Leave Act 24.Justice Department goes after deadbeat parents 25.AmeriCorps – a Peace Corps for the US 26.Signed onto World Trade Organization to promote global economic growth 27.NAFTA is ratifiedNAFTA is ratified Clinton’s Legacy
1.The good news – Unemployment lowest since WWII High growth – GDP doubled in 8 yearsGDP doubled New Technologies Low inflation New jobs Budget surpluses – ‘98-’00 2.The bad news – Still high public and private debt Still 32 million in poverty Increasing wealth and income disparity Declining real income for some Job loss and insecuirty 3. Changes from manufacturing to services because US was uncompetitive due to cost of manufacturing. Results for workers was an increase in temporary, consulting and lower pay and lower benefit jobs with less job and retirement security 4. Changes in manufacturing like just-in-time production, robotics, technology and productivity increases and corporate cost-cutting to maximize profits resulted in workers increasingly in temporary, consulting and lower pay and lower benefit jobs with less job and retirement security 5. Changes to service-sector products, global trade and high US labor costs resulted in workers increasingly in temporary, consulting and lower pay and lower benefit jobs with less job and retirement security 5. Changes to robotics, computers, ‘net, advanced training and education resulted in workers in these fields getting higher pay, better benefits, stock-options The New Global Economy – Grey packet p 12
P3 - Technology and Modern Life 1.Communications – internet, , information “superhighway”, WWW, cell phones, fax, v-chip 1.Deregulation like the Telecommunications Act of 1996 allowed media companies to compete with each other across media – TV, could own radio, could do phones, long-distance, cable – resulting now in the competition by Verizon and Comcast for your TV, phone and internet dollars – the FCC auctioned off the airwaves to companies (i.e. cell phones) 2. Healthcare – MRI, CT scan PET scan, AIDS drug cocktails, FDA improved drug approval speed, much better prostheses, human genome project and genetic testing. 1.Also the new Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) type of insurance 4. Entertainment – DVDs, CD-ROM, CD, satellite TV, IMAX 5. Education – more computers, networking and data tracking, teleconferencing and online schools, digital libraries 3. Genetic engineering – GM or GE foods, conflict over these products. Therapies and stem cell issues
P3 - Technology and Modern Life 6. Transportation – better safety belts, airbags and global positioning systems (GPS), capable of better fuel efficiency, lots of SUVs 7. Space exploration – more shuttles, hubble space telescope, beginning of international space station and cooperation with Russians, Europe and the US and Japan 8. Environment – recycling picks up, lots of waste still produced, zero and low emission vehicles, cancers from acid rain, air quality still an issue, beginning of public awareness of global warming and climate change, still an issue of nuclear weapons and nuclear power plants.