ASTA Accelerator Directorate Review Project Plan and ES&H Carsten Hast May 20, 2014
ASTA Project Milestones Overall Schedule -Started April Ends September 30 th 2014 with results ASTA Infrastructure -General layout and consensus what to do agreed upon in late April New optical tables, mini girders, new gun location, support stages, various chambers, etc. New AC design and installation for laser room Relocate some LCW feeds, 110V outlets Improve ventilation in ASTA -Moved X-band devices (Done) -AC project is in purchasing (eta mid August) -Mini girders (June 13 th ) -Optical benches (June 13 th ) 2
ASTA Project Milestones Beam line components -Overall beam line layout done Ready to order bellows this week (eta mid July) -Designed sample chamber (going to purchasing this week, installation ~ Aug. 4 th ) Motorized stages to be ordered this week (eta mid July) -Designing diagnostics chamber (no long lead items) -Designing detector chambers (no long lead items) Screens and reflecting mirrors, Faraday cup etc. available -Various support stages are in fabrication (T-1 and various supports) (June-July) -Ion pumps and controllers are available: surplus from NLCTA -Turbo pump(s) need to be ordered soon Laser parts -Ready to order, details in Ryan’s talk Modulator stabilization available in July (Minh’s talk) 3
ASTA Installation Schedule Infrastructure work June 16 th - June 27 th -During night and weekend will operate X-band (most of the time) -Remove old laser optics infrastructure -Move gun -Move LCW -Install mini girders -Install new optical tables (maybe a shelve over one) -Provide plenty of 110V outlets -Improve ventilation in ASTA -Additional penetration -Pull additional cables -More Ethernet 4
ASTA Installation Schedule Cathode laser work 2 weeks in July -During night and weekend will operate X-band (most of the time) -First round of controls work for motors, cameras, etc. -Install existing GTL detector chamber for testing beam line -Test the new stable modulator voltage with beam (Minh’s talk) Turn on new AC (August 18) Experiment laser work 2 weeks in August -During night and weekend will operate X-band (most of the time) -Install all new chambers and complete beam line -Finish controls work for motors, cameras, etc. Commissioning starts September 1 st (latest) 5
ASTA What’s Missing? Controls Work -In June: Need to layout what we need, want and how to do it -Preliminary work in July -Commissioning in August RF / Laser Timing -Need a schedule (Joe F.) Better M&S estimate, both what else we need and overall costs Better labor estimate, both what else we need and overall costs 6
ASTA ES&H ASTA is really small -Egress issues were discussed and agreed upon with Fire Marshall -Ergonomics LCW and electricity will be relocated to maximize space around laser tables X-Band table was raised to allow some room under it for the detectors Cryo-stand was moved to increase walking space Unnecessary equipment was and will be removed Cables and hoses were and will be rerouted to minimize obstruction in bunker New lights were installed BIO Reviews X-Band table (done) AC Project (partly done) Optical tables and mini girder (needs to start soon) Location of PPS devices review late June Laser SOP update in July Radiological Review has started -Results June 16 th Safety Assessment Document Review has started -Signatures by July 14 th 7
ASTA Project Plan and ES&H Summary Most critical items have been/will be ordered this week Installation will allow existing programs to continue Schedule has not much float Let’s all work together for: Want UED? Come to SLAC! Let’s all work together for: Want UED? Come to SLAC! 8
ASTA Layout 9