TURKISH FOREIGN POLICY BETWEEN 1945 AND 1960* I) The International Environment and Dynamics A) Formation of the Bipolar System 1) The Western Block 2) The Eastern Bloc II) The Domestic Environment and Dynamics Political, Economic and Social Developments in Turkey * Source: Baskın Oran (ed.), Turkish Foreign Policy ( ): Facts and Analyses with Documents, translated by Mustafa Akşin, Salt Lake City, The University of Utah Press, 2010.
TURKISH FOREIGN POLICY BETWEEN 1945 AND 1960 III) The Foreign Policy A) Relations with the USSR 1) The Period of Tension Demands of the USSR 2) From Tension to Détente a) Political Relations and the Main Problems b) Economic Relations
TURKISH FOREIGN POLICY BETWEEN 1945 AND 1960 B) Relations with the USA 1) The Truman Doctrine 2) The Marshall Plan 3) Turkey and NATO 4) The Eisenhower Doctrine 5) Turkish-American Bilateral Agreements C) Relations with Greece 1) Bilateral Relations Between ) Period of Friendship ( ) a) “Common Foreign Policy” b) Similar Domestic Policies 3) Cyprus Question and the Deterioration of the Relations a) Inter-communal Violence in Cyprus and the Way to Treaties b) The Events of 6-7 September 1955
TURKISH FOREIGN POLICY BETWEEN 1945 AND 1960 D) Relations with the Middle East 1) Relations with Arab States a) The Period of Rapprochement The Baghdad Pact and Bilateral Treaties b) Crises in Middle East and the Position of Turkey i) The 1956 Suez Crisis ii) The Syrian Crisi of 1957 iii) The 1958 Iraqi Coup iv) Lebanon Events in 1958 v) The Question of Palistine 2) Relations with Non-Arab States i) Relations with Israel ii) Relations with Iran
TURKISH FOREIGN POLICY BETWEEN 1960 AND 1980 I) The International Environment and Dynamics A) Retreat of the USA B) The Growing Strength of the USSR C) The Rise of the Third World and Nonaligned Movement II) The Domestic Environment and Dynamics A)Politics and Coups 1) The 27 May 1960 Coup 2) The Memorandumof 12 March ) The 12 September 1980 Coup B) The Economic and Social Developments in Turkey
TURKISH FOREIGN POLICY BETWEEN 1960 AND 1980 III) The Foreign Policy A)Relations with the USA 1) The Cuban Crisis and its Effects on Turkey 2) The Cyprus Problem and the Johnson Letter 3) Bilateral Agreemnts and Problems 4) The Opium Poppy Question 5) Military Intervention of Turkey to Cyprus and its Effects on Bilateral Relations The Arms Embargo and 7:10 Ratio B) Relations with Greece 1) The Cyprus Question a) 1964 Crisis and Inter-communal Violences b) The 1967 Coup in Greece and the Cyprus Crisis in 1967 c) Military Operations of Turkey in 1974 and their Consequences
TURKISH FOREIGN POLICY BETWEEN 1960 AND ) Questions Relating to the Agean Sea a) The Question of Territorial Waters i) Definition of Territorial Waters ii) Debates on 6-12 mile iii) The Turkish and Greek Thesis b) The Question of the Continental Shelf i) Definition of Continental Shelf ii) Developments about the Question and the Opinion of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) iii) The Turkish and Greek Thesis c) Questions Relating to the Airspace i) Definition of Airspace ii) Debates on 6-10 mile iii) The Turkish and Greek Thesis iv) The FIR Line Question
TURKISH FOREIGN POLICY BETWEEN 1960 AND 1980 d) The Question of the Militarization of the Agean Islands i) Background of the Question and th Developments ii) The Turkish and Greek Thesis D) Relations with the USSR 1) Political Relations 2) Economic Relations E) Relations with the Middle East 1) Relations with Arab States 2) Relations with Non-rab States a) Relations with Israel i) 1967 War ii) 1973 War b) Relations with Iran The Islamic Revolution
TURKISH FOREIGN POLICY BETWEEN 1960 AND 1980 F) Relations with the EEC 1) Reasons that Turkey Wants to Join to the EEC 2) The Ankara Agreement a) The Additional Protocol b) The Financial Protocol 3) Other Developments and Problems