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Two Women Seated by a Woodland Stream 1869; Private Collection, Paris Reference Reference
The Toreador 1873 (40 Kb); Oil on canvas; Art Institute of Chicago Reference Reference
The Lamp 1891 (50 Kb); drypoint, soft ground, and aquatint on paper; Art Institute of Chicago Reference Reference
The Boating Party (130 Kb); Oil on canvas, 90.2 x cm (35 1/2 x 46 1/4 in); National Gallery of Art, Washington Reference Reference
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Mary Cassat was born on May 22,1844 Allegheny, Pennsylvania, and died in Paris, France on June 14,1926 when she was about 82 when she died. When she was just old enough, her parents took her to an art museum, where she first found out that she loved art. So, she loved art so much, that she wanted to become an artist. Her father hated the idea and tried to refuse, but eventually he gave in. She went to “The Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts”. When she left, she entered some of her pictures into “The Salon” and sold 6 of 7 of the pictures. After the selling, she met Edgar Degas, who, with a few other people, had started Back
My favorite painting is “The Toreador”. It is because he is the only man in all the paintings. The only other is the boating party, but there are three people in the picture, the guy, and a baby in the arms of his mother, maybe. The other reason why I liked it is because it is a very calm and relaxed picture, it is very nice. Also his fancy clothes help as well. The reason I like the artist, Mary Cassat, is because most of her pictures are nice, calm, and relaxing. Though I did not see all her pictures, that is what I think about the ones I did see. Back