Background will be a collage of all the characters in the story. Title will go in the centre of the page. “Where’s my mum?” A link to the contents will appear along the bottom of the page.
FlossyPage 1 The barnPage 2 DaisyPage 3 SootyPage 4 Back to the barnPage 5 The decisionPage 6 Say yesPage 7 Say noPage 8 Contents Each page number links to its page. A link to the title page will appear along the bottom of the page. Background will be of a field and sky with clouds and a sun.
Text in speech bubbles will appear here. = This is the text from my script that will appear in speech bubbles where this box is placed. = This box stands for the characters picture. It shows where the character will be placed, what the name of the character is and what animal it is. Picture of … (…) = This shows where the narration will appear. It will appear just as text, not in the box. Narrative appears at the top of the page. = This box shows that the arrows; to the contents page, to go back to the last page, and to go to the next page will appear along the bottom. Links to the next page, contents page and last page will appear along the bottom of the page. Animation of the characters … = This box is to show when one of the animals will be animated. All animation go off to the right. Key of information used in storyboard
= This box shows that the scene is changing it is not a page in my book. This box shows that the current page is ending and the next, starting, it is not a page in my book. = Scene changes from … to … Page … ends. Animation of the characters running off the screen at end. = This box is to show when one of the animals will be animated. All animation go off to the right.
Narrative appears at the top of the page. Scene changes from the field to a track or lane that will run throughout the farm. Picture of Meg (sheepdog). Text in speech bubbles will appear here. Narrative appears at the top of the page. Text in speech bubbles will appear here. Picture of Meg (sheepdog). Picture of Flossy (sheep/lamb). Links to the next page, contents page and last page will appear along the bottom of the page. Links to the next page, contents page and last page will appear along the bottom of the page. Page one ends. Background will be of a field and the sky with maybe a sun and clouds. Background will be of a track with the sky set behind it. Approx. 25 seconds long
Scene changes from the gate to the farm house or a barn. Narrative appears at the top of the page. Text in speech bubbles will appear here. Picture of Meg (sheepdog). Picture of Flossy (sheep/lamb). Links to the next page, contents page and last page will appear along the bottom of the page. Background will be of a huge gate that covers the whole page, with a silhouette of a barn behind it. Narrative appears at the top of the page. Text in speech bubbles will appear here. Picture of Meg (sheepdog). Picture of Flossy (sheep/lamb). Links to the next page, contents page and last page will appear along the bottom of the page. Background will be of an inside of a barn with hay and farming tools. Narrative appears at the top of the page. Text in speech bubbles will appear here. Picture of Meg (sheepdog.) Picture of Flossy (sheep/lamb). Links to the next page, contents page and last page will appear along the bottom of the page. Background will be of the inside of the barn, but darkened, and there will be a huge shadow behind them.
Scene changes from the farm house or a barn to the gate outside. Narrative appears at the top of the page. Pictures of both Meg (sheepdog) and Flossy (sheep/lamb). Links to the next page, contents page and last page will appear along the bottom of the page. Background will be of a huge gate that covers the whole page, with a silhouette of a barn behind it. Animation of the characters running off the screen at end. Page two ends. Approx. 30 seconds long
Narrative appears at the top of the page. Picture of Meg (sheepdog). Links to the next page, contents page and last page will appear along the bottom of the page. Background will be of a lane with a field behind it (you will also see the sky). Narrative appears at the top of the page. Text in speech bubbles will appear here. Picture of Daisy (cow) which will move gradually off the page. Links to the next page, contents page and last page will appear along the bottom of the page. Background will be of a lane with a field behind it (you will also see the sky). Pictures of both Meg (sheepdog) and Flossy (sheep/lamb). Animation of Daisy (cow) walking off the screen after speaking to meg and flossy. Animation of Meg (sheepdog) walking off the screen. Text in speech bubbles will appear here. Page three ends. Narrative appears at the top of the page. Picture of Meg (sheepdog). Picture of Flossy (sheep/lamb) which will move gradually off the page. Links to the next page, contents page and last page will appear along the bottom of the page. Background will be of a lane with a field behind it (you will also see the sky). Text in speech bubbles will appear here. Animation of Flossy (sheep) walking off the screen. Approx. 50 seconds long
Scene changes from the track to the field behind the track. Narrative appears at the top of the page. Text in speech bubbles will appear here. Picture of Meg (sheepdog). Picture of Sooty (rabbit). Links to the next page, contents page and last page will appear along the bottom of the page. Background will be of a field with long grass and various rabbits in it. Narrative appears at the top of the page. Picture of Meg (sheepdog). Links to the next page, contents page and last page will appear along the bottom of the page. Background will be of a track with a field behind it (this will be the field that the rabbits are in). Animation of Meg (sheepdog) walking off the screen. Narrative appears at the top of the page. Picture of Meg (sheepdog). Links to the next page, contents page and last page will appear along the bottom of the page. Background will be of a field with long grass and various rabbits in it. Animation of Meg (sheepdog) walking off the screen. Picture of Sooty (rabbit).
Narrative appears at the top of the page. Picture of Meg (sheepdog). Links to the next page, contents page and last page will appear along the bottom of the page. Animation of Meg (sheepdog) walking off the screen. Narrative appears at the top of the page. Links to the next page, contents page and last page will appear along the bottom of the page. Page four ends Text in speech bubbles will appear here. Picture of Meg (sheepdog). Background will be of a huge gate that covers the whole page, with a silhouette of a barn behind it. Scene changes from the gate to a farmhouse or barn Approx. 35 seconds long
Narrative appears at the top of the page. Text in speech bubbles will appear here. Picture of Meg (sheepdog). Picture of Albert (pig). Links to the next page, contents page and last page will appear along the bottom of the page. Background will be of an inside of a barn with hay and farming tools. Narrative appears at the top of the page. Picture of Meg (sheepdog). Links to the next page, contents page and last page will appear along the bottom of the page. Background will be of the inside of the barn, but darkened, and there will be a huge shadow behind her. Narrative appears at the top of the page. Links to the next page, contents page and last page will appear along the bottom of the page. Text in speech bubbles will appear here. Picture of Meg (sheepdog). Background will be of an inside of a barn with hay and farming tools. Page five ends. Approx. 35 seconds long
The answer “yes” and a small description of what will happened if the reader chooses this option will appear here. Decision question will appear here. The answer “no” and a small description of what will happened if the reader chooses this option will appear here. Links to the contents page and last page will appear along the bottom of the page. A description of what the reader has to do, choose one of the boxes to click on, will appear here. Background will be of field with a gate in front of it and the sky with clouds and the sun above it.
Scene changes from the farm house or a barn to a track background with a field behind with something (e.g. a tree or some shrubs) to make it look different from all the other fields. Narrative appears at the top of the page. Text in speech bubbles will appear here. Picture of Meg (sheepdog). Picture of Albert (pig). Links to the next page, contents page and last page will appear along the bottom of the page. Narrative appears at the top of the page. Picture of Meg (sheepdog) and Albert (pig.) Links to the next page, contents page and last page will appear along the bottom of the page. Background will be of an inside of a barn with hay and farming tools. Narrative appears at the top of the page. Text in speech bubbles will appear here. Picture of Meg (sheepdog). Picture of Albert (pig). Links to the next page, contents page and last page will appear along the bottom of the page. Animation of Meg (sheepdog) and Albert (pig) walking off the screen. Background will be of an inside of a barn with hay and farming tools. Background will be of a track with a field behind it.
Scene changes from the track to the field behind it (Meg’s mum is lying underneath a tree in the middle of this field). Narrative appears at the top of the page. Text in speech bubbles will appear here. Picture of Meg (sheepdog). Links to the next page, contents page and last page will appear along the bottom of the page. Narrative appears at the top of the page. Picture of Meg (sheepdog) and Albert (pig). Links to the next page, contents page and last page will appear along the bottom of the page. Animation of Meg (sheepdog) and Albert (pig) walking off the screen. Narrative appears at the top of the page. Picture of Meg (sheepdog). Links to the next page, contents page and last page will appear along the bottom of the page. Animation of Meg (sheepdog) running over to her mum. Background will be of a field with a tree in the centre of it. Picture of Meg’s mum (sheepdog). Background will be of a field with a tree in the centre of it. Background will be of a track with a field behind it.
Animated ending one ends. “The End” will appear in front of the end scene and will be animated (e.g. it will either flash or change colours).
What’s happening? 50s – 55s: Meg is outside a new field on the track and then goes into the field 55s – 60s: Once Meg is in the field she sees her mum lying under a tree. She runs over to her mum. 20s – 50s: Meg and Albert go outside the barn onto a track where Meg thanks Albert for helping her and says goodbye. Albert then walks off. 60s – 100s: Meg and her mum talk about what they have done. 100s – 105s: Meg and her mum are both under the tree. “THE END” appears and either changes colour or flashes. 0s – 20s: Meg and Albert are in the barn talking. Frame timings Information on what’s happening Added Animation in Italics S = Seconds
Narrative appears at the top of the page. Text in speech bubbles will appear here. Picture of Meg (sheepdog). Picture of Albert (pig). Links to the next page, contents page and last page will appear along the bottom of the page. Background will be of an inside of a barn with hay and farming tools. Narrative appears at the top of the page. Picture of Meg (sheepdog). Links to the next page, contents page and last page will appear along the bottom of the page. Animation of Meg (sheepdog) running off the screen. Background will be of an inside of a barn with hay and farming tools. Picture of Albert (pig). Scene changes from the inside of the barn or farmhouse to a track background. Narrative appears at the top of the page. Text in speech bubbles will appear here. Picture of Meg (sheepdog). Picture of Flossy (sheep/lamb). Links to the next page, contents page and last page will appear along the bottom of the page. Background will be of a track with the sky set behind it.
Scene changes from the track to Flossy’s field. Narrative appears at the top of the page. Text in speech bubbles will appear here. Picture of Meg (sheepdog). Picture of Flossy’s mum (sheep/lamb). Links to the next page, contents page and last page will appear along the bottom of the page. Background will be of Flossy’s field. Narrative appears at the top of the page. Pictures of both Meg (sheepdog) and Flossy (sheep/lamb). Links to the next page, contents page and last page will appear along the bottom of the page. Animation of the characters walking off the screen at end. Background will be of a track with the sky set behind it. “The End” will appear in front of the end scene and will be animated (e.g. it will either flash or change colours). Animated Ending two ends.
What’s happening? 20s – 45s: Meg and Flossy talk about what happened with Albert 45s – 50s: Meg and Flossy walk back to Flossy’s field 15s – 20s: Meg runs out of the barn where she bumps into Flossy Frame timings Information on what’s happening Added Animation in Italics 0s – 15s: Meg and Albert are in the barn talking. 50s – 80s: Meg meets Flossy’s mum and they talk about Meg’s mum. 80s – 85s: Meg, Flossy and Flossy’s mum are in the field. “THE END” appears and either changes colour or flashes. S = Seconds
Assets Assets for page 1: Background of a field and sky with clouds and a sun Background of track with field in the background Image of Meg Image of Flossy Assets for animated ending 1: Background of the inside of a barn Background of track with field in the background Background of a field with a tree in the centre of it Image of Meg Image of Albert Image of Meg’s mum Assets for animated ending 2: Background of Flossy’s field Background of a track with sky behind it Background of the inside of a barn Image of Meg Image of Flossy Image of Flossy’s mum Assets for title page: Collage of all the characters in the story Assets for contents page: Background of a field and sky with clouds and a sun Assets for page 3: Background of a lane with a field behind it Image of Meg Image of Flossy Image of Daisy Assets for page 2: Background with a huge gate with a silhouette of a barn behind Background of the inside of a barn Image of a huge pig shadow Image of Meg Image of Flossy Assets for page 5: Background with a huge gate with a silhouette of a barn behind Background of the inside of a barn Image of a huge pig shadow Image of Meg Image of Albert Assets for Decision Page: Background of a field and sky with clouds and a sun Banner Two Explosion text boxes Assets for page 4: Background of a track with a field behind Background of a field with long grass and rabbits in it Image of Meg Image of Sooty