SPA100 - SCSU Course Information piemontese©2010
Participation in class Active participation in class is essential. From the start, we give you the tools to communicate in several contexts and situations. You are expected to communicate entirely in Spanish.
Attendance Attendance is an integral part of the course You may only miss 3 classes From your 4th absense on, you will lose points off your final grade
Testing and Grading There will be six chapter tests, which will be administered in the language lab. The final assessment will be a Special Project. There are no make-up exams. Only the 5 highest grades will count. Lesson exams (5)25% Final Exam 15 % Lab & Community Practice15 % Homework (QUIA)15 % Class participation30 %
Comments and Suggestions This is a first-semester introductory Spanish course. However, as is usually the case, some students may already have some rudimentary knowledge of the language. This slight difference in levels of familiarity with Spanish should not intimidate anyone.
Disability Resource Center Students with disabilities and diverse learning needs are welcome in this class. Please speak with your instructor as soon as possible about your particular needs. With the help of the Disability Resource Center, you and your instructor will be able to arrange the best course accommodations for you in order to insure your success in this course. If you are interested in finding out more about the DRC and how to become eligible for services, please call , (TTY), log on at or stop by Engleman Hall C-105A Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m
Academic Honesty If any student is found to be cheating on a quiz/test, exam, or assignment, she/he will fail that quiz/test, exam, or assignment. In addition, she/he could be removed from the course, could receive an F for the course, and could be subject to further disciplinary action. Please consult the SCSU Student Handbook regarding this subject.
Cell phones and beepers All cell phones (los teléfonos celulares) and beepers (los buscas) are to be turned off before class begins. If for some reason you have an emergency situation (such as a sick child at home) and must keep your cell phone turned on during a particular day, please see your instructor before class to clear it with her or him.
Community Practice An important component of this course is your ability to use your knowledge of Spanish to communicate with people in Spanish outside of the classroom setting. At the beginning of the course, you will receive a list of activities you can do to immerse yourself in the Spanish speaking communities outside of the classroom setting. You need to choose a minimum of 15 activities from the list.
Language Lab Our Language Lab is equipped with computers you can use to navigate the web in Spanish We also have an open lab you can use to complete assignements
QUIA and other homework QUIA is the online workbook you purchase with your text You may also have other homework assignments to complete
Important elements of this course student-centered communicative content-based task-based The class is conducted in Spanish.
5 C’s Communication Cultures / cultures Connections Comparisons Communities
Lab Activities
STAMP Test STAMP is the proficiency test that all students in 200 level courses will take during final exam week and other students can take at different times during the academic year to waive the world language requirement. The STAMP test takes 2 hours and includes all four language skills. If you would like to take this test to waive the university requirement, you must speak to the chairperson of the Dept. of World Languages and Literatures. Students are required to purchase STAMP test at the SCSU bookstore in order to take it. The cost is $19.15.
Syllabus & Web Page