市模拟试卷 人生在世,犯错在所难免,关键是对待错 误的态度。请以 “ Learn From Mistakes ” 为题, 根据以下要求写一篇 100~120 字的短文。 1. 简要阐述人们对待错误的态度; 2. 谈谈你的看法并请举例说明。


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Presentation transcript:

市模拟试卷 人生在世,犯错在所难免,关键是对待错 误的态度。请以 “ Learn From Mistakes ” 为题, 根据以下要求写一篇 100~120 字的短文。 1. 简要阐述人们对待错误的态度; 2. 谈谈你的看法并请举例说明。

某班学生原话:我考前背的句子都能用的,得了22分 某班学生:字写好了,重视写作, 得了2 0 分

高分技巧: 1 、段落层次清晰 (审题) 2 、语言表达流畅有亮点 3 、没有各种低级错误 4 、卷面清晰



文章布局 (审题) 第一部分:背景交代:人生在世,犯错在所难免, 关键是对待错误的态度 第二部分:阐述人们对待错误的态度。 第三部分:谈谈你的看法,并结合具体事例加以说 明,适当加个小结 注意事项: 1 、阐述人们对待错误的态度要简要 2 、你的看法:应该是观点类句子,不要长篇议论,要通 过事例来证明 3 、事例要具体,不要泛泛而谈,也不要一两句话就举例 结束,描述事例要能体现 learn from mistake 的前后过 程。 (事例:华盛顿砍樱桃树;高晓松醉驾认错等等)

段落布局是否合理 层次是否清晰? 19 分 分?

Not knowing how to recover from mistakes, some people fall victim to them. Learning from mistakes can keep us motivated and inspired, helping us make steady progress towards our goals. On no condition shall we fail to realize that it is what we learn from mistakes, rather than mistakes, that defines who we are. Apparently, it can’t be denied that mistakes are unavoidable but it’s the attitude towards them that truly counts. From my perspective, mistakes are what it takes to improve ourselves and keep us motivated and inspired. Only by adopting an optimistic attitude towards mistakes and learning from them can we embrace the final victory we deserve. 语言表达流畅有亮点:背过的句子活学活用

While some people think the mistakes deprive them of their confidence and determination, … It’s how we react to them rather than the mistake itself that defines who we are. Confronted with mistakes, some people regard them as the rock stuck in the way to success while others firmly believe mistakes play an irreplaceable role in our life. The one who can learn from mistakes will definitely embrace the final success. And George Washington’s experience can perfectly exemplify this view. What it takes to lay a solid foundation for our future is our attitude towards mistakes. We shall never fail to attach importance to the mistakes we make and harvest a lot from them. 语言表达流畅有亮点:背过的句子活学活用

Mistakes are inevitable/unavoidable in our long life journey. What truly counts is not the mistake itself, but the attitude to it. People show mixed opinions/ attitudes towards mistakes they have made. People’s attitudes to mistakes vary (from person to person). Mistakes are inevitable and it is our attitudes that counts. Some people treat mistakes as chances to better themselves while others drown themselves in regret. Mistakes are what accompany us along our way to maturity and growth. Confronted with them, some are reluctant to acknowledge them, some turn a blind eye, while others face them courageously and correct them with instant action.

Faced/Confronted with mistakes, some choose to forget them completely while some others drown themselves in overwhelming sorrow. As for me both are unwise and only facing them bravely and learning from them is our best choice. Some people are clever enough to make full use of the experiences and avoid the same mistakes next time. On the contrary, others might just ignore the consequences of their mistakes and go farther on the wrong path. In my opinion, there is no shame in making mistakes. What we need to do is to recognize our mistakes and learn from them. Some may turn a blind eye to them, merely regarding them as coincidence while others admit their mistakes honestly, reflect on and then correct them. From my perspective, it is the latter’s attitude that distinguishes outstanding individuals from ordinary ones.

It is beyond depute that mistakes are what it takes to achieve success. Since mistakes are inevitable, it is the attitude to them that truly counts. Those who are reluctant to admit the mistake just turn a blind eye to it, which leads them nowhere near victory. Some, on the contrary, will humbly/modestly learn from the mistakes, thus contributing to remarkable/extraordinary achievements. From my perspective, adopting a reflective attitude towards mistakes is vital. For example/instance, … As a saying goes, to err is human. Only by keeping up our courage to acknowledge our mistakes and learning from them can we embrace the ultimate success we deserve.

Take Thomas Edison for example / as an example. He made many mistakes and experienced lots of failures while experimenting with different materials for the light bulb. But he was brave enough to face up to them, eventually succeeding in finding the most suitable material. From this example, we can learn that no one is perfect and learning from mistakes can make us wiser than before. As we all know, Edison, a great inventor, made thousands of mistakes before he truly seized the key to improving the bulb. Undoubtedly, it the lesson learned from the mistakes that contributed to his final success, which strongly indicates/perfectly exemplifies the significance of learning from mistakes.

Kobe, a famous basketball player, used to be reluctant to pass ball to partners, which frequently led to the situation where the team failed to win the game but Kobe got high points. Feeling ashamed, Kobe put painstaking efforts into the training for the skill of passing balls and creating opportunities. His change created a new Laker, which perfectly exemplifies the view that the attitude to mistakes is vital.

What we are supposed to do is to turn the obstacles into treasure with our positive attitude. This experience exemplifies that with a positive attitude, much can be learned from our mistakes, which will by all means lead to an all-round personality and a brighter future. As a saying goes, to err is human. Only by keeping up our courage to acknowledge our mistakes and learning from them can we embrace the ultimate success we deserve.

精彩国外佳句 Many times what we perceive as an error or failure is actually a gift. And eventually we find that lessons learned from that discouraging experience prove to be of great worth. Never give in to the obstacles that lie in your path towards the achievement of your dreams. So never be embarrassed by mistakes, rather, be thankful for them, because they always present an opportunity for personal growth.

No one can avoid mistakes in his life but what really counts is our attitude. Confronted with mistakes, some people regard them as meaningful challenges and opportunities to improve themselves while others are just too disappointed to stand up again. From my perspective, mistakes are just tests of our persistence and determination. The one who can learn from mistakes will definitely embrace the final success. And George Washington’s experience can perfectly exemplify this view. Once he made a serious mistake in a battle, thus losing many soldiers. Instead of giving up, he learnt from the mistake and improved his strategies, finally leading to victory. Therefore, what it takes to lay a solid foundation for our future is our attitude towards mistakes. And the lessons we learn from mistakes will leave a far-reaching impact on our life.

Life is a journey during which we make various mistakes. It’s how we react to them rather than the mistake itself that defines who we are. Confronted with mistakes, some people regard them as the rock stuck in the way to success while others firmly believe mistakes play an irreplaceable role in our life. From my perspective, mistakes can not only cultivate our competence but also equip us with valuable life experience. Chu Shijian is a vivid example. Failing to resist temptation when he was young, he made a big mistake, thus contributing to his being sentenced to prison. After many years, he stepped back to society. With what he learned from mistakes, he managed to create his castle of business with faith and perseverance. All in all, we shall never fail to attach importance to the mistakes we make and harvest a lot from them. What we learn from them will definitely turn out to be of great significance to us in the long run.