Award of $923,339 Substantial Amendment › $300,000Homelessness Prevention › $480,000 Rapid Re-housing › $80,000 Housing Relocation and Stabilization Services › $17,174 Data Collection and Evaluation › $46,165 Administration
Growing number of homeless families and families at-risk of homelessness Slight decline in the number of chronically homeless people Increased demand for assistance Lack of permanent affordable housing - #1 reason for homelessness
Transitional housing and permanent supportive housing facilities Financial resources for the development of affordable housing Limited ESG resources for homelessness prevention; CDBG public service programs Strong relationship with social service providers, including emergency shelter providers
Regional approach – funds may be used across three communities in CoC Centralized intake “No wrong door”
RFP issued on May 13 2 kinds of applications – “lead agency” and “service provider” Preference given to a partnership of agencies Funding decisions made using an established process
Role of the lead agency › Central point of entry › Perform client intake and eligibility determination › Provide financial assistance
Role of lead agency (continued) › Provide relocation and stabilization services › Enter data into HMIS and report to Grantee › Conduct required habitability inspections › Provide program outreach and publicity
Role of service provider › Provide relocation and stabilization services › Provide the Lead agency with information needed for reporting › Participate in regularly scheduled service coordination meetings
Lead Agencies Jewish Family & Children’s Service Metropolitan Boston Housing Partnership Newton Community Service Center Metropolitan Mediation Services Boston College Legal Assistance Bureau REACH Second Step
Finalize central intake form and other forms Develop and execute funding agreements Schedule initial training meeting with lead agencies’ staff Coordinate participation in HMIS