Ladies of Charity of Dallas Systemic Change: Mission Possible Not a Hand Out, A Hand Up
Financial Assistance Rent, Utilties, Rx Food Pantry Clothing & Household Goods Our Programs
Our way of work Assistance was given without question for: Clothing Daily Lunches Food Gasoline Bus Vouchers
Under the bridges, in the park, Behind the store….. The Poor we served moved closer…
Serving up to 200 lunches at the Dallas Day Resource Center
Ladies of Charity Volunteers assist caseworkers at the Dallas Homeless Center to transition clients with “hands-up” support to furnish their apartments.
Metro Dallas Homeless Alliance Welcomes you to The Bridge A Campus of shelter, transitional housing, health and human services located in Downtown Dallas. Provides basic needs, case management and services from 17 co-located agencies. The Entry point into the continuum of homeless services. MDHA uniquely suited to the role as Operator with a Public (City of Dallas) – private (MDHA) partnership. Collaborative Model.
MHDA Purpose To end homelessness in Metropolitan Dallas through advocacy, planning, and education that creates and sustains needed change. MDHA Vision All people live in appropriate housing. MDHA Values Compassion, Accountability, Respect and Courage
Transitional Supportive Housing The Intermediate Step between emergency and permanent supportive housing.
The Challenge for Metro Dallas Homeless Alliance To Provide Permanent Supportive Housing for Hundreds of Homeless People Public Outcry Against the Former Homeless Moving into Cliff Manor New This Fall “Homes for Our Neighbors”, a public education program on Permanent Supportive Housing
Systematic Change Starts With… Defining the local needs of the poor Starting to respond in a modest way Vincentian Systemic Change Model