{ Formative Assessment 8th Grade Mathematics
➢ Build a shared understanding of formative assessment techniques, relative to the SMPs and content standards. Purpose ➢ Refine our skills in formatively assessing students’ progress toward a specific learning target and develop students’ thinking. Outcome
➢ What does it really mean to utilize formative assessment techniques as they relate to both the Content Standards and the Standards for Mathematical Practices (SMPs)? Essential Question
What will today look like?
8: :35 - Lesson Design 10: :00 - Observation #1 (Period 2) 11: :40 - Debrief 12:40 - 1:10 - Observation #2 (Period 3) Or (1:50 - 2:20, period 4) 1:10 - 3:00 – Lunch & Debrief/Reflections Schedule 8:00 - 3:00 - 8th Grade
❧ Every voice is heard ❧ Listen to understand ❧ Focus on evidence ❧ Have fun Norms
Math Pre-Task: Living in the problem * First read: No pencils in hand. You get 30 seconds to read through the problem. ➢ Share what the problem is about without using numbers *Second read: You may take notes - Do not solve. ➢ Share relating numbers to observations in the first read
1. Review the Work 2. Discuss the Work 3. Reflections from the Hosting Teacher 4. Suggestions for Teaching and Learning 5. Debrief Analyzing and Learning from Student Work Protocol
Review the Work · Identify facilitator. · Participants review the work silently. Analyzing and Learning from Student Work Protocol
Pile the work, Small Group discussion Round 3. Identify: What are the student misconceptions? Round 4. Question: What questions do you have about the work? Round 1. Describe: What do you notice about the student work (big picture)? Round 2. Interpret: What do the students understand?
{{ Describe ✧ What do you notice about the student work? ✧ “In general, I noticed…” ✧ “I agree with _____ and I noticed…” Sharing Protocol 1. Each person silently looks at papers 2. Each person shares, and others listen without interjecting Round 1
Interpret: What do the students understand? “___ of ___ students understand…” Round 2
Identify: What are the student misconceptions? Pile the work Share out & come to consensus Round 3
Question: What questions do you have about the work? Round 4
1. Identify task 2. Design plan ➢ Questions to reveal thinking ➢ Build on what they know ➢ Plan how to move student thinking/learning ➢ What questions might help draw out the big idea? Identify/Plan Task
The four legs of the canopy are 6 feet tall and when it is set up, are 10 feet apart. The bar that goes from the center of the top to the top of the leg is 8 feet. He wants to find out how tall the center of the canopy will be when it is set up. More info...
How could Brooke change the tent so that it would fit in the space? So...
➢ Content goal: G.7 - Apply PT in real-world problems ➢ SMP goal: 7 Use of structure Identify goals:
Execute and Observe What do we want to capture? Which students are we watching?
➢ How did students interact with the task? ➢ What evidence of the Content Standards was documented? ➢ What evidence of the SMPs was documented? What does the evidence tell us?
How can we adjust to improve student learning? ✓ Individual think time ✓ Small group discussion ✓ Whole group discussion/consensus
Execute and Observe What do we want to capture? Which students are we watching?
➢ How did students interact with the task? ➢ What evidence of the Content Standards was documented? ➢ What evidence of the SMP goal was documented? What does the evidence tell us?
How can we adjust to improve student learning? ✓ Individual think time ✓ Small group discussion ✓ Whole group discussion/consensus
➢ Upon which strategies or students’ ideas do we want to capitalize in order to move students’ understanding of the SMP Goal or Content Goal? ➢ What questions might the teacher ask to help draw out the big ideas? Debrief/Follow-Up Planning
➢ What are your take-aways? ➢ How might you use this with your PLCs? Closure/Reflection