Induction Building Course Cohesion 18th June 2015
Look at retention and why cohesion is important The role induction plays in cohesion The long term and ongoing role of induction Outline existing activity and responsibilities Ask you to think about support and development of induction activities Let us know what you’re doing and how its working so we can share experience Objectives
Retention & Course Cohesion
There is rarely a single reason why students leave (Jones, 2008) poor preparation for higher education weak institutional and/or course match, resulting in poor fit and lack of commitment unsatisfactory academic experience lack of social integration financial issues personal circumstances Induction has a major factor to play in preparation and integration Retention & Induction
Students with more friends and better social integration are less likely to think about leaving HE Approaches related to social cohesion contribute to improving retention and maximises the success of all students Programmes that are centered in faculty activity and supported by PSDs are likely to be more effective than stand-alone programmes HEFCE What works? Student retention and success programme
HEFCE suggest key principles for effective retention in relation to induction: Engagement with peers and staff enhance student belonging, and improve student transition, retention and success Early engagement – pre- and post-entry – have a long lasting impact HEFCE What works? Student retention and success programme
Quinn et al. (2005) In addition to misconceived expectations of academic work, students are also worried about making friends and fitting in socially Andrews and Clark (2011) Friendships influence students’ decisions to stay on course therefore effective induction that builds these social ‘interactions’ is critical in improving retention More students made friends through their course (87%) Boyle et al. (2011) Students are more likely to engage in activities aimed at developing social bonds that were a requirement of their course Given LMU’s demographic, induction programmes need the support of faculties and be seen and presented as a course requirement ‘Academic culture shock’:
Ice breakers and team building activities in class Assessed and non-assessed group work in class and outside formal teaching time Field trips, residential activities and course-related events Pre-entry and induction activities A space within the academic milieu where students spend time together Staff-organised social activities Peer mentoring Course Cohesion “Cohort identity”
Students benefit both academically and personally from social engagement with peers and staff, especially when experiencing difficulties Students do not always recognise the value of social engagement and may find it difficult and/or frustrating at times Some find it particularly difficult to engage with staff and/or peers and need to be facilitated to do so Students need structured opportunities for engagement as early as possible, ideally beginning pre-entry and extending into the first semester An ‘opt-out’ rather than opt-in approach is useful and particular attention should be paid to students who opt-out and additional support provided Other key messages on cohesion
Social activities need to be informative, useful and relevant to students’ current academic interests and future aspirations; the potential benefits of engaging should be explicit Monitored: The extent and quality of students’ social engagement should be monitored and, where there is evidence of low levels of engagement, follow-up action taken ‘Longer and thinner’ induction that starts earlier and lasts beyond a week (Layer et al., 2002,Thomas et al., 2002b). This provides a more effective opportunity for new students to assimilate Other key messages
Overview (Joining Rejoining the University Project Board) Enrolment (Registry)Induction (Student Services) CMIS Systems, data and deadlines (Data entry will remain with information owner i.e faculties) Coordination of fees and funding activity (Funding Zone) Hub activity (Fast Track) Pre Reg / Launch dates and associated deadlines Enrolment systems and process Compliance Card Issue Re-Enrolment Student Welcome Team (SWT) Pre Induction events (HeadStart / Moving Up) etc.) Coordination of Social Activity / Welcome program liaison for faculty induction Production of operational spread sheet Organisation of Central services talks Induction and enrolment survey Roadshows Responsibilities
HeadStart The focus will continue to be on faculties and the building of social network within each cohort group with a fun programme of activities: Tuesday 18 th August CASS Wednesday 19th August GFBL Thursday 20 th August FLSC Friday 21 th August FSSH Moving Up The focus will be on the transition to HE through a series of team and individual interactive events Tuesday 15 th September CASS Wednesday 16th September GFBL Thursday 17 th September FLSC Friday 18 th September FSSH Induction
International Induction, Monday 21 st September from 1pm PSD events Larger activities in each faculty. This will move away from the chalk and talk approach of previous years Academic Induction Discussions are ongoing on how we can best support activity beyond the initial induction period As in previous years the content and delivery of academic / faculty induction lies with the faculties Induction
Students’ Union The Students’ Union are looking at how they can build relationships with new students and are reviewing their engagement strategy for the induction period based on lessons learned from last year and during Student Engagement Week Social Activities These will continue to be delivered by Campus Services who are working on developing links with faculties for social events through the Induction Working and Development Group. Responsibilities for Freshers Fair are within Campus Services, supported by the Students’ Union Induction
Induction Working and Development Group Induction Map Induction moving forward
Induction is an ongoing activity that start at application and continues thought to assessment and beyond (Week 0, 5, Dec, Jan, June) Induction needs to prepare students for HE There needs to be activity as course / subject level that builds social cohesion Activity needs to be co-ordinated There needs to be support at all levels Outcomes need to be monitored Key Messages