U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey National Geospatial Technical Operations Center Carl Nelson 4/14/2009 Maintenance I and Maintenance II Carl Nelson 4/14/2009
Overview History Where we are Where we are going
NHD Conflation Process 2002: USGS, USFS, States and Contractors began conflation of 100K to 24K (High Resolution) NHD File types used to create NHD datasets Digital Line Graph (DLG) Cartographic Feature File (CFF) Tagged Vector Hydro (TVH) State 24k DLGs (i.e. New York, Wisconsin, Texas, etc) 2007: Conflation of nationwide High Resolution NHD (24K) geodatabase completed
Why Maintenance? During conflation of 100K to 24K NHD Editing tools were not available during the initial conflation 100K to 24K Subbasins were edge-joined before they went in the GeoDatabase, but could not fix one already in the GeoDatabase USFS contracted ESRI to develop edit tools NHDEditTool Maintenance begins
Maintenance Lite I Resolve 1D Topology Errors Feature to feature overlaps Self intersecting features Self overlapping features Multi-part features Resolve NHDMValue Errors (Measures) Insure all reaches have measures NHDFlowcheck now replaces NHDMValue
Maintenance Lite I Run NHDFlowcheck Regenerates geometric network multi-part flowline features are automatically converted to single-part flowline features. Checks for overlapping junctions Checks for overlapping flowline features NOTE: May also generate false positives for small pairs of flowline features connected to the same divergent and convergent junctions
Maintenance Lite I NHDFlowcheck continued… Node degree problems Selects all flowline features that connected to a junction with multiple inflows and no outflows, or with multiple outflows and no inflows Find network ends Find non-traced flowline features Traces all upstream features connected to selected network ends Selects all untraced flowline features
Maintenance Lite I Resolve Inter-CU connections Resolve Gapped Names and Gapped or Branched Reaches Gapped names connected where line work exists on 24k DRG Resolve GNIS Name Errors (major names) Main stems verified using GNIS shapefiles Create XML Extract Load XML Extract into copy of original data (XML2GDB) and re-run QA/QC checks
Maintenance Lite II Resolve polygon (2d) topology errors NHDArea overlaps NHDWaterbody NHDArea overlaps NHDArea NHDWaterbody overlaps NHDWaterbody Check coastal subbasins for missing Sea/Oceans
Maintenance Lite II Ensure all reaches have M_Values Remove Branched GNIS Names Check all WBAreaComIDs and correct or add as necessary Check Coastlines (Coincident with 2d features) and correct as necessary
Maintenance Lite II Split 2d stream/rivers and large waterbodies at subbasin boundaries Insure that offshore islands have coastline Create XML extract Load XML Extract into copy of original data (XML2GDB) and re-run QA/QC checks
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