Women’s Rights- Sri Lanka, India (3), Nepal, Myanmar/Burma, Philippines -land, resources, decision-making Human Rights (HR) -Sri Lanka, Nepal, Phil (2) HR and International Humanitarian Law- Nepal, Phil International HR Mechanisms-India Labor rights (Nepal) VAW and HR Gender and HR- Nepal HR violations monitoring and intervention- India
Right to mobility- Nepal Health and reproductive rights- Pakistan, Nepal (2), Philippines Rights of rural communities- Vietnam Gender, sexuality and human rights-India
Conflict resolution (India, Phil (2), Pakistan) and conflict prevention- Philippines (2), Pakistan Mediation- Switzerland, Nepal, Philippines, Thailand, Myanmar/Burma Peacebuilding- Myanmar (2), Philippines Active nonviolence-Philippines, Indonesia, India Conflict transformation-Phil Arms control- Phil Early warning- Phil
Organizing- Philippines, India Speaking- Philippines Advocacy- India, Philippines Reflecting peace practice- Phil Peace and violence- Pakistan Feminist approach (to peace)- Nepal Counseling for survivors- India Climate justice- Philippines
Women’s leadership for peace and security- N Internship for young women leaders- Netherlands Women’s participation in decision-making- India, Nepal (2), Myanmar Participation in local governance- Nepal, India (2) Leadership for livelihood- Nepal Leadership skills- Phil, India (3), East Timor Women’s Leadership Institute- Myanmar/Burma
Women, peace and security- Philippines (2), India 1325 and development of Naps- Bangladesh Nepal, Indonesia, Myanmar/Burma, Phil Women in post-conflict- Phil Localization of NAP-Nepal, Philippines
CEDAW- Sri Lanka Laws protecting women-Phil, India (2), Myanmar/Burma Laws on HR- India (2) Legal procedures- India (2) Paralegal training- Phil, Timor Leste
Gender in Islam-Phil Gender in Indigenous Traditions- Phil Reinterpretation of religious text- Indonesia Caste, gender and self-awareness- India Cultural and traditional practices- India Gender discrimination-Pakistan, Nepal Anti-discrimination laws- Nepal Social inclusion-Nepal, Switzerland
Gender awareness- Nepal Gender sensitivity- Philippines Gender justice- Philippines Gender equality- Pakistan, Nepal, East Timor
Economic empowerment- Nepal Business skills development- Philippines Organic farming- Sri Lanka, Philippines Livelihood training- India Gender in cooperatives- Phil Land, livelihood,peace and security- India
Human trafficking- Nepal Domestic violence (laws, processing cases)- Timor Leste VAWC- Philippines VAW Prevention- Pakistan, Philippines, Myanmar/Burma Foreign military presence and impact on women- Phil
Safe migration- Nepal Safe foreign employment- Nepal Protection from GBV- Myanmar/Burma Women and emergencies- Myanmar/Burma
Documentation- Nepal Monitoring and Evaluation- India Monitoring WPS- India Monitoring, documentation and reporting human rights violations- Phil Social research- India
Security Sector Reform- Philippines Youth engagement-Nepal Community engagement- Myanmar
Feminist approach Learning and exchange opportunities among women-Netherlands, India
There is a wide range of capacity-building initiatives in the region (Asia) (137 reported initiatives in 12 countries (Switzerland and Netherlands reported initiatives region-wide) Many initiatives are in response to challenges faced by women (HRV, VAW, discrimination,etc) (32.8%) A good number of initiatives are on women’s agency for peace (22.6%) There is a good percentage of initiatives to develop leadership skills (11%) As most of the survey respondents are community- based, it is assumed that participants to the CBIs are largely community women