Emu wg, IETF 70 Steve Hanna, shanna@juniper.net EAP-TTLS draft-funk-eap-ttls-v0-02.txt draft-hanna-eap-ttls-agility-00.txt emu wg, IETF 70 Steve Hanna,


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Presentation transcript:

emu wg, IETF 70 Steve Hanna, shanna@juniper.net EAP-TTLS draft-funk-eap-ttls-v0-02.txt draft-hanna-eap-ttls-agility-00.txt emu wg, IETF 70 Steve Hanna, shanna@juniper.net

EAP-TTLS for IETF EMU WG TLS-based tunneled EAP method Phase 1: like EAP-TLS Phase 2: AVP exchange Supports Tunneled authentication via many methods Multiple forms of authentication Endpoint integrity checks Other extensions Documented in Internet-Drafts since 2001 Widely implemented and deployed (eduroam, etc.) Cited by SDOs like WiMAX & 3GPP Heading for RFC status December 4, 2007 EAP-TTLS for IETF EMU WG

EAP-TTLS for IETF EMU WG EAP-TTLS AVPs Diameter AVP format 32-bit type, 24-bit length M bit for Mandatory to support V bit and Vendor-ID for vendor-specific AVPs RADIUS and Diameter attributes carry over Easy to integrate with RADIUS servers Can translate AVPs into RADIUS packets Easy to tunnel existing EAP methods Easy to tunnel non-EAP authentication Easy to add new capabilities December 4, 2007 EAP-TTLS for IETF EMU WG

Changes in eap-ttls-v0-02 Added IANA Considerations Updated references Minor clarifications in response to reviews December 4, 2007 EAP-TTLS for IETF EMU WG

EAP-TTLS for IETF EMU WG eap-ttls-agility-00 Optional AVPs for use with EAP-TTLS Provide Cryptographic algorithm agility Cryptographic binding of inner and outer auth Intermediate key confirmation Protected results December 4, 2007 EAP-TTLS for IETF EMU WG

Cryptographic Algorithm Agility EAP-TTLSv0 already fairly agile Uses TLS ciphersuite negotiation But MSK and EMSK computation algorithm always uses TLS 1.1 PRF (based on SHA-1 and MD5) Solution New MSK-Computation AVP to negotiate alternative MSK and EMSK computation algorithms New MSK and EMSK computation algorithm (“Mixed”) Uses TLS PRF (negotiable in TLS 1.2) Based on new Composite Key, which mixes in MSKs exported by inner authentications December 4, 2007 EAP-TTLS for IETF EMU WG

Cryptographic Binding of Inner and Outer Authentications Protect against MITM attacks like [Asokan] Mixed MSK computation gives some protection But only after EAP authentication completed, so... Key-Confirmation-Option AVP Negotiates use of Key-Confirmation AVP Key-Confirmation AVP Server MAY send any time, MUST send at end Server sends POP for Composite Key Client responds with similar POP December 4, 2007 EAP-TTLS for IETF EMU WG

EAP-TTLS for IETF EMU WG Secure Completion Ensure secure completion of handshake Detect truncation attacks Detect forged EAP-Success or EAP-Failure Secure-Completion-Option AVP Negotiates use of Secure Completion TTLS-Success and TTLS-Failure AVPs Final exchange WITHIN tunnel December 4, 2007 EAP-TTLS for IETF EMU WG

Evaluation Against Requirements Transport of encrypted password for support of legacy password databases: YES 2. Mutual authentication (specifically authentication of the server): YES 3. Resistance to offline dictionary attacks, man-in-the-middle attacks: YES 4. Compliance with RFC 3748, RFC 4017 and EAP keying (including EMSK and MSK generation): YES 5. Peer identity confidentiality: YES December 4, 2007 EAP-TTLS for IETF EMU WG

Evaluation Against Requirements 6. Crypto agility and ciphersuite negotiation: YES w TLS 1.2 7. Session resumption: YES 8. Fragmentation and reassembly: YES 9. Cryptographic binding: YES 10. Password/PIN change: YES when authentication method supports December 4, 2007 EAP-TTLS for IETF EMU WG

Evaluation Against Requirements 11. Transport Channel binding data: Can support with new AVPs 12. Protected result indication: YES 13. Support for certificate validation protocols: YES w TLS CertStatus extn 14. Extension mechanism: YES December 4, 2007 EAP-TTLS for IETF EMU WG

EAP-TTLS for IETF EMU WG Summary EAP-TTLS Well-established EAP method Specified in Internet-Drafts since 2001 Widely implemented Used by other standards bodies No known substantial IPR problems Meets all stated requirements Easy to integrate with RADIUS servers Offers many other features Tunneled authentication via many methods Multiple forms of authentication Endpoint integrity checks (for NEA) December 4, 2007 EAP-TTLS for IETF EMU WG