Title I Entertain questions covering the following topics: MIS Program Finance
Key Dates January 2016 –Final rules are published March 2016 –State Plan is due –Levels for new performance indicators are negotiated June 2016 –DOL & DOE develop performance indicator relating to effectiveness in serving employers (6 th performance indicator) July 2016 –One-stop infrastructure cost requirements take effect
Q & A These questions were asked during the Michigan Works! Conference WIOA Q & A session. The responses/guidance have been provided by WDA. If you are a contractor, it is strongly advised that you have a discussion with your MWA before implementing any of the responses. WDA cannot be responsible for knowing the local vision, strategy, or policies. Therefore, these responses are based on law, USDOL guidance, proposed regulation, and state policy. 1.If a youth comes in with a certificate of completion from high school, do we consider them a drop-out or a graduate? Please select the ‘Not attending school or H.S. Dropout’ option from the School Status dropdown menu provided in OSMIS. 2.Instructions on submitting an additional employer list. Need the spreadsheet and who to send to. Who should be included on this list? Click hereClick here for the spreadsheet for the additional list. The MWAs can send their lists to Tom Nicholas and Jackie Gaiters
Q & A - #2 3.Can you add information regarding supplemental employer data to the WIOA manual? Information concerning the submission of supplemental employer data may be found in Chapter 2, Section 2-13 of the new WIOA Manual. 4. Define academic component coupled with WE for youth WIOA requires. The WDA has not defined academic component at this time. Further guidance from USDOL is expected. After which, a determination will be made whether to further define the requirements of this component. If in OJT and the employer has them take a course to be certified, is that Academic? It may be. Please use your best judgement. Can it be concurrent? The required academic and occupational education component of the work experience does not have to be concurrent. However, MWAs must recognize the risk of loss of interest to engage in the academic or occupational education component following participation in a work experience. It is the responsibility of the MWA to ensure that the youth completes the academic and occupational education component of the work experience to confirm compliance with the WIOA. Further, the MWA must document in the ISS and/or case notes, the academic and occupational component’s connection to the work experience.
Q & A - #3 4. Continued Can student be in short-term certification, is that academic if not for credits? The length of and requirement of credits pertaining to the academic component have not been defined by USDOL, and are not defined by the WDA. Further guidance from USDOL is expected. After which, a determination will be made whether to further define the requirements of this component. 5.Are credentials going to be only for training participants or is it for all? This is yet to be determined for the WIOA performance measures. USDOL is expected to provide definitions for the WIOA performance measures and activities in Spring of When does the participant count towards performance (which activities)? This is yet to be determined for the WIOA activities. USDOL is expected to provide definitions for the WIOA performance measures and activities in Spring of Youth academic & occupational element – define academic please. See responses to Question Does academic piece require “credits” attached? See responses to Question 4.
Contact Janet Bloomfield Director of Policy