André Augustinus 21 June 2004 DCS Workshop Follow-up from last workshop.


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Presentation transcript:

André Augustinus 21 June 2004 DCS Workshop Follow-up from last workshop

André Augustinus 21 June 2004DCS Workshop 2 Introduction  The last DCS workshop (15/16 March at CERN) had a heavy program with: Status reports from detectors Presentations, by detectors, on specific topics  Several points were raised that needed a follow-up from the DCS team (action points) The major points will be covered in this presentation and the next one, by Sorina

André Augustinus 21 June 2004DCS Workshop 3 Introduction  This will cover points where the DCS team was supposed to take some action I will mention a few items where individual detectors were supposed to take an action  A few point were also raised by the DCS team where we requested a follow-up from the detectors those will be covered in my next presentation

André Augustinus 21 June 2004DCS Workshop 4 Action points [information, requests]  The DCS team was to have dedicated meetings with detectors to enhance the information on some of their sub-systems Several meetings were held with: V0, Muon-GSM, PHOS, T0, TPC-Laser, … Still pending are meetings with ITS-drift, Muon-tracker  Some detectors requested to have Ethernet in cavern during magnet tests this summer Request has been forwarded to the installation team

André Augustinus 21 June 2004DCS Workshop 5 Action points [Front End Device]  The DCS team was to propose the FED concept for acceptation by the collaboration Presented by Peter in may TB, and accepted  The DCS team was to propose guidelines for the FED application layer A first proposal will be presented by Peter later today

André Augustinus 21 June 2004DCS Workshop 6 Action points [Security]  The DCS team was to look at remote computer access and computer security Activity has started in collaboration with IT; see also presentation by Peter tomorrow  The DCS team was to check if a authentication scheme will (or can) be incorporated in DIM Pending

André Augustinus 21 June 2004DCS Workshop 7 Action points [FSM]  The DCS team was to propose a standard HV and LV state diagram A proposal for a HV state diagram has been drafted and will be presented by Giacinto later today  The DCS team was to propose a standard (or at least guidelines) for a ‘detector DCS’ state diagram Design has started as logical continuation from previous point Will also cover aspects of handling error and alarm conditions

André Augustinus 21 June 2004DCS Workshop 8 Action points [for specific detectors]  ITS-drift: David will contact Peter to see if the pixel JTAG solution is applicable to the drift  TRD: Marc will forward Chilo’s list on interfacing to gas and cooling  PMD and ZDC: Requested to provide their DCS status as soon as possible Received information from PMD last week

André Augustinus 21 June 2004DCS Workshop 9 Summary  These were most of the more general ‘action points’; the more technical issues will be covered by Sorina  Maybe I forgot something If I forgot to answer a question you raised last workshop, please tell us