André Augustinus 21 June 2004 DCS Workshop Follow-up from last workshop
André Augustinus 21 June 2004DCS Workshop 2 Introduction The last DCS workshop (15/16 March at CERN) had a heavy program with: Status reports from detectors Presentations, by detectors, on specific topics Several points were raised that needed a follow-up from the DCS team (action points) The major points will be covered in this presentation and the next one, by Sorina
André Augustinus 21 June 2004DCS Workshop 3 Introduction This will cover points where the DCS team was supposed to take some action I will mention a few items where individual detectors were supposed to take an action A few point were also raised by the DCS team where we requested a follow-up from the detectors those will be covered in my next presentation
André Augustinus 21 June 2004DCS Workshop 4 Action points [information, requests] The DCS team was to have dedicated meetings with detectors to enhance the information on some of their sub-systems Several meetings were held with: V0, Muon-GSM, PHOS, T0, TPC-Laser, … Still pending are meetings with ITS-drift, Muon-tracker Some detectors requested to have Ethernet in cavern during magnet tests this summer Request has been forwarded to the installation team
André Augustinus 21 June 2004DCS Workshop 5 Action points [Front End Device] The DCS team was to propose the FED concept for acceptation by the collaboration Presented by Peter in may TB, and accepted The DCS team was to propose guidelines for the FED application layer A first proposal will be presented by Peter later today
André Augustinus 21 June 2004DCS Workshop 6 Action points [Security] The DCS team was to look at remote computer access and computer security Activity has started in collaboration with IT; see also presentation by Peter tomorrow The DCS team was to check if a authentication scheme will (or can) be incorporated in DIM Pending
André Augustinus 21 June 2004DCS Workshop 7 Action points [FSM] The DCS team was to propose a standard HV and LV state diagram A proposal for a HV state diagram has been drafted and will be presented by Giacinto later today The DCS team was to propose a standard (or at least guidelines) for a ‘detector DCS’ state diagram Design has started as logical continuation from previous point Will also cover aspects of handling error and alarm conditions
André Augustinus 21 June 2004DCS Workshop 8 Action points [for specific detectors] ITS-drift: David will contact Peter to see if the pixel JTAG solution is applicable to the drift TRD: Marc will forward Chilo’s list on interfacing to gas and cooling PMD and ZDC: Requested to provide their DCS status as soon as possible Received information from PMD last week
André Augustinus 21 June 2004DCS Workshop 9 Summary These were most of the more general ‘action points’; the more technical issues will be covered by Sorina Maybe I forgot something If I forgot to answer a question you raised last workshop, please tell us