Mental Health of Older Adults and Dementia Clinical Academic Group Kelvin Wheelan & Helena Taylor-Knox Having a voice – making it heard 5 th November 2014
Mental Health of Older Adults and Dementia Clinical Academic Group Let’s start with a short film about our Service User and Carer Advisory Group SUCAG
Mental Health of Older Adults and Dementia Clinical Academic Group Our future hopes Our influence spreads widely We become role models within healthcare We remain a viable, friendly group with a critical voice which is acted on Be an ambassador for positive ageing We would like to be represented on the CAG executive Board – a voice of personal experience of mental health and dementia (ideally a service user and carer) We want to become a more diverse group FUN – creative, organised meetings but without excessive formality ALL OF THIS NEEDS ON-GOING COMMITMENT PARTNERSHIP WORKING & FUNDING
Mental Health of Older Adults and Dementia Clinical Academic Group Power of Story People engaging creatively was real stories – natural alignment with Patient Opinion. Three key objectives: 1.Promote positive images of ageing 2.Use real experience to change services – impact on staff and service models 3.Not lose the rich life experiences and humanity that weaves through our services
Mental Health of Older Adults and Dementia Clinical Academic Group BBC on-line images 2014
Mental Health of Older Adults and Dementia Clinical Academic Group Thank you for listening Contact us via