May 2013 Updates: Alma’s news: out and about Alma likes going shopping and insists on pulling the trolley on the way to the Lennox shopping centre. She also likes spending time at the library in Penrith (above).
As the bus back from Penrith is once an hour, Alma enjoyed a play and lunch in style while we waited.
Alma loves to have all her accessories on – even if it is just for going to pick up Hahgoot from school... She rarely plays on her own, but she can do it. For example, she spent a lot of time exploring the strings drawing kit and pretend play with a pile of tea bag boxes (I bought a whole set as a gift to my friend Wendy, who is moving house).
Alma has been enjoying day care very much. We gave the day care on loan a puppets set to act out the story “Raspberry Juice” (Mitz Petel), which I translated to English. Everyone loved it!
Alma and I joined Lis and Gabby for a MOPS meeting (it’s a mothers support group\ playgroup, Christian based) and we both really enjoyed it. The topic was depression and it was very interesting. The people were lovely and Alma (to my great surprise!) really enjoyed staying in the play area for two hours! Unfortunately, we didn’t have a chance to go again yet.
We had a great time hosting a play date with Cheryl and son Jasper (she now leads the music playgroup at the Anglican church). The kids got along really well, had morning tea and built car tracks!
When at last they had enough of the cars, they had a wild sword fight!
Jasper is a nice easy going kid (he is a few months younger than Alma) As he is a third child he doesn’t go out to play dates much on his own (big brother Finn is in Year 1 at Hahgoot’s school, and brother Xander is in preschool in Lapstone).
Don’t believe these guys, they were resting for about 30 seconds... they are both very energetic kids. We didn’t have a lot of chances to go to play group on Wednesdays this term (mainly because of the weather – we can’t go out far on rainy days), but when we did we brought pop up books about animals
Well, that’s it for now... Another hectic month is over! See you again in our June updates!