61 Access Direct Certification Discretionary Certification Migrant, Homeless, Runaway Youth Descriptive Materials Duration of Eligibility LEA
62 Direct Certification
63 Mandatory Direct Certification for Food Stamp Households Requires Local Educational Agencies (LEA) to “directly certify” as eligible for free meals any child who is a member of a food stamp household without further application.
64 Discretionary Direct Certification Any LEA may certify any child as eligible for free meals without further application by directly communicating with the State or local agency to determine the child’s status as: 1)a TANF family member 2)homeless 3)served by certain runaway or homeless youth programs 4)a migrant
65 Runaways, Homeless, and Migrant Youth Extends categorical eligibility for free meals to youth who are:Extends categorical eligibility for free meals to youth who are: HomelessHomeless RunawayRunaway MigrantsMigrants
66 Runaways, Homeless, and Migrant Youth (cont.) Documentation Often documentation is through Homeless LiaisonOften documentation is through Homeless Liaison Issued implementation memosIssued implementation memos Effective July 1, 2004Effective July 1, 2004
67 Application Materials Requires that descriptive materials notify parents that:Requires that descriptive materials notify parents that: 1)participants in the WIC, Food Stamp, FDPIR, and State TANF programs may be eligible for free or reduced-price school meals and that 2)documentation may be requested for verification of eligibility. Application materials may be available on the Internet.Application materials may be available on the Internet. Effective July 1, 2005Effective July 1, 2005
68 Application Materials Requires all communications on certification and verification be uniform and, to the extent practicable, in other languages.Requires all communications on certification and verification be uniform and, to the extent practicable, in other languages. Effective July 1, 2005.Effective July 1, 2005.
69 Duration of Eligibility for Free or Reduced Price Meals: Sec. 106 Eligibility for free/ reduced price school meals remains valid for 1 year for most studentsEligibility for free/ reduced price school meals remains valid for 1 year for most students Eligibility in effect upon approval for the current school year and ending on a date during the next school year determined by USDAEligibility in effect upon approval for the current school year and ending on a date during the next school year determined by USDA
70 Duration of Eligibility for Free or Reduced Price Meals (cont.) Documentation for verificationDocumentation for verification –At any point in time between the month prior to application and the time documentation is required
71 Duration of Eligibility for Free or Reduced Price Meals (cont.) An exception: for cases where verification activities indicate ineligibility.An exception: for cases where verification activities indicate ineligibility. Effective July 1, 2004.Effective July 1, Implementation memo issued.Implementation memo issued.
72 Certification by Local Educational Agencies: Sec. 108 Certification by Local Educational Agencies (LEAs)Certification by Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) –Defines LEA as that in the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 –Changes school food authority to LEA for purposes of: CertificationCertification VerificationVerification –Effective upon enactment