The Optimistic Ojibwa Tribe By: Meg Walker
The Ojibwa Habitat The Ojibwa tribe live in the northenmidwest of the United States. Most live in Michigan, Minnesota and, Wisconsin The Ojibwas like places where there are bushes for nuts and berries. They also like places that have… rivers, trees, marches, creeks and, flat green terrains. The Ojibwas live in a wigwam. Which is a small house that they live in made of bent trees, poles, bark and grass. But some bulid them with brick and bark.
Food And Travel Facts Food Travel The Ojibwa tribe like lots of vegetables. Here are a few of them: corn, beans and, squash. The collected nuts and berries from bushes and went spear fishing for fish. Two favorite scared foods are wild rice and maple syrup. The Ojibwa’s use all foods and don’t waste them. If they can’t finish it they save it for the next night or turn it into something else. In the Ojibwa tribe they traveled to many different places in the northenmidwest of the U.S. They normally traveled during migration.
Ojibwa Clothing Facts In the Ojibwa tribe the had many clothes for men and women and children too! Men wore clothing made for summer and winter. They wore shirts, leggings, and moccasins. The women ‘s clothing were made from animal skin made for summer and winter too! They wore deerskin dresses and moccasins. Some accessories they would sow on were, beads and quills. Quills are long sharp needles from porcupines .
Hunting facts Hunting and gathering food is very important to the Ojibwa tribe. The Ojibwas especially enjoyed spear fishing. Spear fishing is fishing but with a long pole with a sharp tip at the end to catch the fish.
Ojibwa Ceremony Facts Ojibwas have a religion where all religions are based on spirits. The religion is set off beliefs that people follow. They believe that there are many different spirits and that the spirits control life's. All Ojibwas are Christians. There are people called midewiwins and midewiwins cure sick people.
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