SIMONE C. R. SILVA JORGE MARTINS MILENA BODMER presents Perception of Potential Partners for car withdrawal from urban transport
Perception of potential partners for car withdrawal from urban transport Eco- Efficiency Involving its primary stakeholders ISO Corporate Citizenship: Strategic Partnerships CORPORATE CITIZENSHIP
Perception of potential partners for car withdrawal from urban transport EFFORTS TO ENHANCE URBAN MOBILITY Initiative: Green Commuter Plans Hewlett Packard, Edinburgh, Scotland expectation of 15% reduction in 3 years Problems: car parking Europe: Industrial areas Brazil: Civil inquiries and lawsuits (RJ). USA: communities choose prohibit large-scale commercial undertakings. “People love what’s inside super-stores. They hate what’s on outside”
Conflicts between companies and urban communities Garage space= stimulus to the attraction of the automobile Responsibility is limited to static capacity. No obligation to dynamic capacity Almost 50% of total built area is parking space Perception of potential partners for car withdrawal from urban transport THE CONTEXT OF UNSUSTAINABLE MOBILITY Garage SpaceStore Space US$ 4,00US$ 175,00 0, empregos0,0645 empregos
Mobile/UFRJ Concept Proposal meet principles of the triple bottom line Provides entrepreneurs with large scale urban undertakings the possibility of networking with other stakeholders. Urban undertaking, with other stakeholders is perceived as socially responsible enterprise instead of an environmental polluter. Perception of potential partners for car withdrawal from urban transport TRANSPORT-LAND USE INTEGRATION WITH CC
Mobile/UFRJ Concept COMMITMENT: Public authority: create a specific legislation for large scale undertaking put the transport services out to tender Enterprises: minimize the highway traffic impact BENEFITS: Public authority: partners in providing transport Enterprises: From environmental polluter to socially responsible and increase of useful space Community: improvement of quality of environment and exclusive transport Perception of potential partners for car withdrawal from urban transport TRANSPORT-LAND USE INTEGRATION WITH CC
Survey within the construction sector in RJ Existing level of socio investment and criteria Evaluation of the performance of the Mobile Concept in comparison with present provision of parking spaces 1º Questionnaire Approach: Sinduscon-Rio (Union of Construction Companies) 2 months (Feb. to Apr. 2004) 31 questionnaires completed (42% return) Signf. Level 95%, Stand. Error 5% Perception of potential partners for car withdrawal from urban transport BUSINESS EVALUATION OF MOBILE CONCEPT
2º Questionnaire Approach: 1 month (Jun to Jul 2004) 11 questionnaires completed (35% return) Case Study: “Hypothetical project for a shopping center linked to a business center and a leisure complex, total leasable area m2, m2 parking area with vehicles in Lagoa. Proposal Applied to project: Project with m2 useable area, m2 of parking space with 875 places plus transport seats (4 routes up to 40 min, at 5 min intervals, 12 hours day Perception of potential partners for car withdrawal from urban transport BUSINESS EVALUATION OF MOBILE CONCEPT
Good performance – Company image, Quality of life, Product differentiation, Technological innovation - “an option to mitigate the problems of traffic that allows an increase in the gross leasable area and the provision of transport services for the public ones wishes to attract” Similar performance – Customer satisfaction Due to ingrained habits in relation to automobile use, the customer would retain the option of automobile or transport service Doubtful performance - Legal incentives, Generating new business Open up the possibility of partnerships Perception of potential partners for car withdrawal from urban transport SOCIAL PERFORMANCE CRITERIA OF CONCEPT
Risks - Product value appreciation, Value added for the customer, Easiness to sell/ lease Identification and involvement by retailers, the target population, the public authority Bad Performance - Operating / maintenance costs, Implementation cost Doubts remain the cost and the difficulty of maintaining a quality service Controversial – Productivity Omission of cost compromised their level of conviction Perception of potential partners for car withdrawal from urban transport SOCIAL PERFORMANCE CRITERIA OF CONCEPT
With initiatives, sector would be willing to double the amount it already invests in socio-environmental responsibilities, from 1,3% to 2,7% of its turnover. There is a potential for generation of value by social performance, as long as the uncertainties can be minimized, both in regard to public authority intervention and to the receptivity of the local community. Suggestion: possibility of a gradual adoption of the Concept and the progressive expansion of the gross leasable area in the place of garage space, given the novelty of the proposal and the need to diminish the risks of the undertakings. Perception of potential partners for car withdrawal from urban transport CONCLUSION