Do Now 1.What are the jobs of the digestive and urinary systems? 2.How do the digestive and urinary systems work together?
Quiz on digestive and urinary today Test a week from today covering EVERYTHING from the human body unit Announcements
Quiz over urinary and digestive Intro to nervous and endocrine Mem-Mem-memory is affected by what? Agenda
Good luck! Quiz
Nervous System – the body system responsible for helping your body respond to stimuli and react accordingly Nervous system
Brain: Control center Spinal cord: The spinal cord is a bundle of nerves and carries messages to and from the brain. Nerves: collection of nerve-cell extensions bundled together with blood vessels and connective tissue. A neuron is a special cell that moves messages in the form of fast-moving electrical energy. These messages are called impulses. Parts of the nervous system
Endocrine System – the body system responsible for using glands and hormones to regulate the body Hormone – a chemical that is made in one organ and travels through the blood to another organ Endocrine system
How do hormones work? Hormones are produced by endocrine glands or tissues and travel through the bloodstream. A gland is a group of cells that make special chemicals in your body. Hormones only affect specific target cells that have a specific receptor to that hormone.
What glands make up the endocrine system? The pituitary gland secretes hormones that control other glands. The hypothalamus controls the release of hormones from the pituitary gland. The pineal gland makes hormones that control sleep, aging, reproduction, and body temperature.
What glands make up the endocrine system? The thyroid gland controls metabolism. The parathyroid gland controls calcium in the blood. Reproductive hormones control reproduction. The pancreas regulates blood-sugar levels.
I’m going to read you a story. As I read, close your eyes and try to imagine what you are hearing me talk about. Close your eyes
You shouldn’t study with music because you will not be able to remember anything that you’ve studied! We’ll be doing a lab. You’ll be working in groups of three. Yes, it has to be threes and yes I already have your groups figured out. Mem-mem-mory