Understanding and responding to abuse of those with disabilities Lexington, KY December 2-4, 2015 Scott Hampton, Psy.D.
Definition of “disability” The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA): –A disability is a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the major life activities of an individual.
Disabilities vs. Diversity A comparison
How do you know if you have a disability? A brainstorming exercise
Examples of “documented” disabilities Sensory impairments Speech impediments Physical mobility problems Psychiatric disorders
Our response to domestic violence victims with disabilities “As her disabilities increase in nature and severity, her need for services and protection also increase, but the likelihood that she will receive either will decrease”
The nexus between battering and disabilities Battering is a “disabling” process “Categorical” vs. “relative” disabilities Batterers use circumstances as disabilities (e.g., immigration status, language barriers, lack of job skills)
Areas of the disabled victim’s life that the batterer targets Physical Psychological and emotional Sexual and reproductive Children
Areas of the disabled victim’s life that the batterer targets Social Spiritual Economic and occupational Community services
The batterer’s agenda Batterers seek victims with disabilities Batterers resent and punish victims with disabilities Batterers create disabilities in their victims Batterers create perception of disabilities
The batterer’s agenda Batterers exploit disabilities to separate their victims from services Batterers use disabilities to justify abuse Batterers claim that their own disabilities cause their abuse Batterers threaten to inflict disabilities
Response Ask yourself how the disability can be used strategically by the batterer View disabilities as vulnerabilities, not flaws. Consider four dimensions of disabilities: –Severity –Chronicity or stability –Perceived responsibility –Impact on community Develop coordinated plan to confront the abuse and remove barriers to assistance