savanna The facts of the savanna
Rainfall in savanna It is 20 to 47 inches in rain Short rain season March and may lots of rain
Problems in the savanna Ground erosion because of short rainy season and flooding Effect animals and people
Animals in the savanna The animals are zebras,giraffe,lions,impale Most of them are year round
Savanna vegition Bush lands little bit of tropical mountain forest, grasslands, woodlands
Country of savanna The country’s of the savanna are Kenya and Tanzania
Tribes in the savanna The nomads travel, the dorado hunt and gather, and the kikuyu farm.
The temperature Is 71 to 90 for the average temperature
The Serengeti The Serengeti is 11,853 miles runs though Sahel region
What they eat in the savanna Mostly meat some vegetables
The climate of the savanna Arid some rain