HEADPHONES Remember Various Types How does noise-cancelling work
Types of EQ Know the differences between Graphic and Parametric Understand Fixed vs. Variable
Types of Compression Know what a Limiter and Brick- wall limiter is Understand Attack and Release What is a noise gate?
Reverb Parameters Direct vs. Reflected Sound Reverb Time Reverb Types (analog & digital)
Dynamic Range 16-bit CD: 96dB 24-bit: 144dB Know HEADROOM
S/N RATIO Signal to Noise Ratio Same concept as Dynamic Range
Pink & White Noise WHITE is ‘Flat’ or ‘Linear’ across the spectrum PINK has a 3dB drop per octave
DITHER Intentionally adds NOISE Increases perceived dynamic range Deals with the LSB (least significant bit)
DISTORTION CLIPPING: Digital Distortion (hard clipping) Analog Distortion: Warmth or overdrive
NOISE Low-Level hiss and hum Generated by equipment or interference Different from Distortion
NORMALISING Increasing the sound to the maximum level All sound levels stay the same in relation to one another
PSYCHOACOSTICS SUBJECTIVE HUMAN HEARING Beat Frequencies: Two very close pitches MASKING: sounds hiding one another
LAST WEEK’S PROJECT Types of Microphones Polar Patterns and stereo setup Any issues encountered
LISTENING SECTION Pinpointing Frequencies Frequency Cutoff Reverb Types Gain Levels MP3 Compression Song Analysis