What About Me? Written by Ed Young Unit 1 Week 2
carpenter Noun: someone who builds with wood The carpenter used a hammer and nails to make a fort.
carpetmaker Noun: a person who weaves rugs The woman spoke to the carpetmarker and ordered a new rug.
knowledge Noun: having information, facts, and ideas Archaeologists have knowledge of why the dinosaurs are extinct.
marketplace Noun: a place where people buy and sell On Saturday, the marketplace was busy with customers buying fruits and vegetables.
merchant Noun: someone who buys and sells goods The merchant had fresh fruits and vegetables for sale at his stand.
plenty Adjective: more than enough Each student had plenty of time to complete their classwork. horn of plenty
straying Verb: wandering away The new puppy was straying from room to room in the house.
thread Noun: a fine, twisted cord The lady had to thread the needle in order to sew the quilt.