UV/VIS Spectrometry And Atomic Absorption By: Morgan Biehn
What’s Ahead… Introduction to UV/VIS and AA Procedure Results Error Analysis Conclusions and Recommendations Q&A
Introduction Ultraviolet/Visible (UV/VIS) Spectrometry: A form of colorimetric analysis Passes light through a cuvette containing solution Referenced to a solution that absorbs no light (distilled water) Beer-Lambert Law: A = αcl In absence of α, use calibration curve
Atomic Absorption (AA) Spectrometry: Samples must undergo desolvation and vaporization in a flame When atoms absorb light, they transition to higher electronic energy levels Concentration determined from amount of absorption Flame AA can increase path length which increases absorption by Beer-Lambert Law Introduction (contd.)
Procedure Objective: Determine concentration of an unknown solution. Potassium Permanganate (KMnO 4 ) solutions 5 standards prepared with concentrations of 0.1, 0.09, 0.08, 0.07, and 0.06 g/L. Each standard tested twice Perkin Elmer UV/VIS SP Spectrometer with 1 cm long cuvettes Perkin Elmer AA spectrometer Unknown solution tested five times for each method
Results – UV/VIS Figure 1: UV/VIS spectra for five standards and unknown.
Results – UV/VIS (contd.) Average absorption for unknown at 310 nm is Figure 2: UV/VIS Calibration Curve.
Results – UV/VIS (contd.) Run Unknown Absorbance Calculated Concentration, g/L Average σ % CI0.104 Actual Concentration0.078 g/L ± g/L Table 1: UV/VIS unknown concentration analysis.
Results – AA Figure 3: AA Calibration Curve.
Results – AA (contd.) RunUnknown Concentration, g/L Average0.073 σ % CI0.019 Actual Concentration0.073 g/L ± g/L Table 2: AA unknown concentration analysis.
Error Analysis Four types of error: 1. Instrument error 2. Fit error 3. Dilution error 4. Operator error
Error Analysis (contd.) Instrument Error: Sample standard deviation Fit Error: Use calibration curve linear regression
Error Analysis (contd.) 4. Operator Error: From comparison of previous users’ data and use of sample standard deviation 3.Dilution Error: Combine final concentration equation with error propagation equation
Error Analysis (contd.) Experiment Error TypeUV/VISAA Instrument Error, σ E E-05 Fit Error, σ E-05 Dilution Error, σ E-09 Operator Error, σ Total Error, σ E-05 σ With 95% CI Table 3: Summary of error analysis for both experiments.
Conclusions UV/VIS and AA spectra were compared Bad UV/VIS calibration curve produced large error AA data provided smaller standard deviation than the UV/VIS Unknown has concentration of g/L ± g/L (95% confidence) AA provides a quick, easy, and relatively painless method for determining concentrations
Recommendations Monitor standards to reduce the risk of contamination Store standards in a dark place Try to conduct both experiments on the same day Do as many tests as possible
Where We’ve Been… Background information on UV/VIS and AA experimental methods Objective for this specific experiment and procedure to obtain objective Discussion of Results Discussion of error and which method produced more accurate results Provided recommendations
Schwedt, George. The Essential Guide to Analytical Chemistry. Wiley and Sons: Hoboken, NJ, Tissue, Brian M. “Atomic-Absorption Spectroscopy (AA).” Last updated 8/21/96. Walpole, Ronald E., Myers, Raymond H., Myers Sharon L. Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists, 6th Edition. Prentice Hall: NJ, References