Claudia Pérez Laura Rendeiro ID2125 Post and lintel Claudia Pérez Laura Rendeiro
content Post Lintel Post and lintel system History - Origins Materials Framed structured Advantages / Disadvantages
The post breaks when the material is too weak or is too long. The job of the Post is to support the lintel and its loads without crushing or buckling A characteristic for this piece is that the material must be especially strong in compression. The post breaks when the material is too weak or is too long.
lintel The job of the lintel is to bear the loads that rest on it (and its own load) without deforming or breaking. When the lintel breaks is only when the material is too weak or the lintel is too long.
Post and lintel system Consists in: The post and lintel system is the simplest method of load and support in the area of construction. - Post - Lintel Consists in: Two vertical elements (posts, columns, piers) holding a third member (lintel, beam) laid horizontally across their top surfaces
Greek and Roman temples History - Origins Prehistoric times Egyptian temples Greek and Roman temples
material Post Lintel Stone Wood Stone (short) Iron Reinforced concrete Steel Masonry
Framed structure Is a skeleton able to stand by itself without depending on floors or walls, it is essential the use of: Slabs Beams Columns Foundation These elements are connected to each other, so that it behaves as one unit.
Framed structure Best materials for framing Wood Steel Reinforced concrete Masonry
advantages - disadvantages Simplicity It reduces the building time of the structure Stability Durable Resistant structures Stable Disadvantages It can support limited weight The short distance between the posts to support the lintel
conclusion Post and lintel originated the framed structures we use nowadays. This structure gives the possibility to use different materials, forms and size to compose this kind of structures. Architects and engineers often use de framed structures because of the all advantages These building technique have been used since the first civilizations Nowadays the structural system is maintained with the evolution of better and more resistant methods