Validity Evidence for the Orleans-Hanna Algebra Prognosis Test Jack B. Monpas-Huber, Ph.D. Director of Assessment & Student Information
How well does Orleans-Hanna predict success in Compression or Algebra? Fall st Trimester 7th Grade Math Course Grades by Orleans-Hanna Score Was good to allow students with a range of O-H scores to enter Compression to test its validity predicting performance in the class Most of the As in Compression scored at least 35, but B students represent a broad range of O-H scores Thus students with scores lower than 35 could still succeed in Compression Initial “cut score” for recommended placement in Compression was 35
How well does Orleans-Hanna predict success in Compression or Algebra? Fall st Trimester 7th Grade Math Course Grades by Orleans-Hanna Score Most of the students getting As in Compression scored at least 35 on the O-H Boxplots are designed to show range and variation but in this case useful for seeing that generally higher O-H scores associated with generally higher Compression grades
How well does Orleans-Hanna predict success in Compression or Algebra? Fall st Trimester 7th Grade Math Course Grades by Orleans-Hanna Score At Einstein, students with a wide range of OH scores still received As and Bs in Compression Initial “cut score” for recommended placement in Compression was 35
How well does easyCBM predict success in Compression or Algebra? Fall st Trimester 7th Grade Math Course Grades by Winter easyCBM Score
How well do easyCBM and Orleans-Hanna predict success in Compression?