Progress report of TFG 7 “Fire resistance test” (rev.1) Nov 19, 2014 Korea Transportation Safty Authority (TS) Korea Automobile Testing & Research Institute.


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Presentation transcript:

Progress report of TFG 7 “Fire resistance test” (rev.1) Nov 19, 2014 Korea Transportation Safty Authority (TS) Korea Automobile Testing & Research Institute (KATRI) 6 th EVS Informal Meeting in Korea Hyuk JUNG, Chief Researcher

Study and discuss component based fire resistance test procedure of REESS which has been proposed by Korea as an alternative. Specification of optimized test equipment to fire resistance test conditions Justification for the temperature and thermal energy of fire resistance test(A) compared to those of GTR draft(B) Allowance of installation of additional protection device on REESS pack during the test Any issues addressed in the process of discussion about fire resistance Review the applicability of fire resistance test(A) to vehicle based test 1. Status of TFG 7 Activity Task 1 Notice 1) Test A : Fire resistance test procedure which is proposed by Korea as an alternative 2) Test B : Fire resistance test procedure which is proposed by OICA according to UN R.100

We had started discussion by from 13th Feb. We aggregated comments and questions from member of TFG 7 and reflect those to KATRI’s study scope. Circulate the draft of TFG TOR by leader with members : 13th Feb. Collect an opinion about the draft of TFG TOR from members : ~March. KATRI give members feedback on members’ responses : 8th Apr. Collecting an additional opinion Comment by Japan(JARI) : 21st Apr. Comment by China(CATRC) : 29th Apr. Present the results of intermediate study : 15th May.(5 th EVS Meeting) 1 st face to face meeting in Washington D.C : 15th May. 2 nd face to face meeting in Seoul : 17th Nov. 1. Status of TFG 7 Activity Activity 2

Japan The fire resistance test should simulate a catching fire from the road surface The height of flame to the battery pack Vehicle-based test procedures are necessary OICA The motives/justification for the changes in the ECE R test procedure Equivalency between two component based test procedures, A and B Material/data explaining and justifying the threshold of 800°C Necessity of applying test(A) to vehicle based test China Equivalency between two component based test procedures, A and B The height of flame to the battery pack IF the test A is suitable for components, we can consider Vehicle-based test 1. Status of TFG 7 Activity Member’s Opinion 3

1 st face to face meeting (DOT Washington D.C, 15th May. 2014) Proposal of necessity to discuss basic issues of the fire resistance test such as a purpose, scope, etc. by NHTSA. Proposal of necessity to discuss a long term fire resistance test by NHTSA. ☞ TFG-7 deals with only short term fire resistance test according to the TOR. ☞ Request NHTSA to share the up-to-date research results about fire resistance test. ☞ TFG-7 will decide if we discuss a long term fire resistance test additionally or not(to build up another TFG) after reviewing NHTSA’s research. 1. Status of TFG 7 Activity 4

2 nd face to face meeting (GRAND HYATT SEOUL, 17 th Nov. 2014)  TF 7 leader opened meeting & welcomed the participants.  Mr. Kim, KATRI chaired the meeting.  Walk through of activities conducted prior the meeting. (Document XX)  Proposed test method similar as used in GTR 13.  Research report KATRI (Document YY)  Justification of proposed tested, temperature and thermal energy.  Comparison test A & B setup.  Small & large pool fire test set up and small & large mockup.  Modification of test equipment, nozzle spacing reduced from 150mm to 75mm.  LPG mass flow rate new equipment 150kg/h.  Indoor test facility available at KATRI. Ambient Temperature condition down to 0 deg. (R100 part 2). KATRI check.  Thermal energy some higher with set up B(LPG burner).  Still some test needs to be done, verification of small pool.  Equivalence not fully show but prognosis is good.  JAMA comment needs to understand why we need this requirement.  KATRI point out that the R&R is better with the proposed method.  J-LR, not in favor of the situation of having alternative tests in the GTR. Single test is preferred.  Point out the need for a vehicle based test. Still open issue. 1. Status of TFG 7 Activity 5

2 nd face to face meeting Plan TF7  Test with small mock-up  Equivalent test comparison A & B. (KATRI will continue research)  Review vehicle base test (KATRI will continue research)  Basic issues of fire resistance, purpose & exposure time. (NHTSA will look at this)  Long time resistance test needed or not. (NHTSA will look at this)  Perform test with same REESS in different test set up (A&B). Compare inside temperature during test.  Is fire test still needed based on current design & anticipated future developments?  JARI showed film from a bon fire test, shows no “bomb” scenario just a “burn out” scenario.  Scania expressed concerns with extrapolating results from small scale testing to large scale testing since the relation is not linear.  Next meeting after decision in IWG. Side Meeting : 18 th Nov  TF7 Divide the task into two parts(Short term & Long term) and progress in parallel.  Agreed USA, Canada, Japan, Korea, OICA(Volvo, Scania) 1. Status of TFG 7 Activity 6

1) CFD simulation about current test-equipment of KATRI : Finished 2) Study on justification for the temperature and thermal energy of the fire resistance test(A) compared to those of GTR draft(B) : Finished 3) Develop an optimized solution of current test equipment by CFD simulation : Finished 4) Modify the current test equipment and performance test : On going 5) Allowance of installation of additional protection device on REESS pack during the test : Finished 6) Review the applicability of test(A) to vehicle based test : will be start 7 In Component based test, test-device should include additional protection device while fire resistance test which is stated as [3.35. "Tested-Device" means either the complete REESS or the subsystem of a REESS that is subjected to the tests prescribed by this regulation.] and [3.30 The REESS may include subsystem(s) together with the necessary ancillary systems for physical support, thermal management, electronic control and casing] 1. Status of TFG 7 Activity Study Status of TFG 7

3. Future Plan of TFG 7 8 Open issues Part 1. Short Term Fire Resistance Test 1. Study on specification of optimized test equipment to test conditions of fire resistance test (A) Additional performance test of the modified test equipment (small mock-up) Decision of the height of flame to the battery pack and the horizontal areas of flame ☞ The height of flame to the DUT : 500 mm (in modified test equipment) ☞ The horizontal areas of flame : Need to study additionally 2. Propose the equivalent test conditions of test A and B ☞ Need to study additionally 3. Review the applicability of test(A) to vehicle based test Part 2. Long Term Fire Resistance Test 1 Basic issues of the fire resistance test such as a purpose, exposure time, etc. 2. A long term fire resistance test ☞ TFG-7 decide to discuss a long term fire resistance test additionally.  Divide into two parts(Short term & Long term) and progress in parallel

Future Plan of TFG 7 9 Future Work Part 1. Short Term Fire Resistance Test : Supported by Korea Additional performance test of the modified test equipment (small mock-up) KATRI will research additionally as for open issue #1 and #2 and share the results with members. Perform the test as followed by test(A) and (B) with same type of REESS. Compare and analyze the inside temperature of DUT during the test. And then TFG 7 propose the equivalent test conditions of test (A) and (B) Part 2. Long Term Fire Resistance Test : Supported by US & Canada Related research program on going now. After research, US & Canada share the results with members.

Thank you!