AIDS Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
History AIDS originated in Africa, after the immigrants into the United States. June 5, 1981, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the "Morbidity and Mortality Weekly" on published case reports of five cases of AIDS patients, which is the world's first official records related to AIDS. In 1982, the disease was named "AIDS." Soon after, AIDS is spreading to every continent.
History In 1985, foreigners who travel to China soon after the death of the sick stay Beijing Union Medical College Hospital and was later confirmed to have died of AIDS, which is China's first AIDS case was found.
Symptoms Higher incidence in young adults, age of onset of 80% in 18 to 45 years, that is more active sex life ages. After HIV infection often suffer some rare diseases such as Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, toxoplasmosis, atypical mycobacterial and fungal infections.
Symptoms After HIV infection, the first few years to 10 years may have no clinical manifestations. Once the development of AIDS, the patient can be a variety of clinical manifestations.
Symptoms: Stage 1 Early symptoms are like the common cold, flu- like, may have general fatigue, weakness, loss of appetite, fever, etc.,
Symptoms: Stage 2 As the disease worsens, an increasing number of symptoms, such as skin, mucous membranes appear white Candida infection, herpes simplex, herpes zoster, purpura, blood blisters, congestion spots and so on.
Symptoms: Stage 3 After gradually violations visceral organ, unexplained persistent fever, can be up to 3 to 4 months.
Prognosis 1. Acute infection usually two to six weeks after infection occurs, symptoms like flu, then the symptoms disappear soon. This period can detect HIV antigen, but not detect HIV antibodies.
Prognosis 2. Asymptomatic infection (incubation period) since infected with HIV to develop into AIDS patients, this period is called the incubation period. Individual differences incubation period, short to less than a year, grow to up to 15 years, an average of 5 to 7 years. More than two no obvious symptoms, can not tell from the outside, so that the people called infected. If not treated, the average after 7 to 10 years will develop into AIDS.
Prognosis 3. HIV incidence of HIV infection when the immune system has been severely damaged, can not maintain the minimum resistance to disease when it appeared difficult to cure a variety of symptoms, become AIDS. After becoming AIDS, usually die within six months to two years.
Diagnosis 1.Acute phase Patients near future epidemiological and clinical manifestations, combined with laboratory HIV antibody from negative to positive can be diagnosed, or only laboratory tests HIV antibody from negative to positive can be diagnosed. About 80% HIV infection six weeks after infection screening test can detect antibodies, almost 100% after 12 weeks of infection can be detected antibodies, only a very small number of patients after infection within three months or six months after the detection.
Diagnosis 2.Asymptomatic period Diagnostic criteria: epidemiological history, combined with HIV positive can be diagnosed, or only laboratory tests can be diagnosed HIV positive.
Diagnosis 3. AIDS stage (1) unexplained persistent irregular fever above 38 ℃,> 1 month; (2) the number of chronic diarrhea more than 3 times / day,> 1 month; (3) within six months of weight loss of more than 10%; (4) PCP; (5) recurrent bacterial pneumonia; (6) deep fungal infections;
Spread MTCT: mother and baby Sexually transmitted Blood transmission
Treatment Treatment goal at this stage is: to maximize and lasting reduction in viral load; get immune reconstitution and maintenance of immune function; improving the quality of life; reduce HIV-related morbidity and mortality.
Treatment Treatment of this disease emphasize comprehensive treatment, including: general treatment, antiviral therapy, restore or improve the treatment of opportunistic infections and malignancies and treatment of immune function.
Treatment 1. General treatment For HIV infection or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome patients are not required to be treated in isolation. Asymptomatic HIV infection can still maintain a normal work and life. Antiviral treatment should be carried out according to the specific condition, and closely monitor changes in the disease. Early development of AIDS or AIDS patients, according to the disease should pay attention to rest, to give high- calorie, multi-vitamin diet. You can not eat, should be intravenous infusion nutrition. Strengthen the supportive therapy, including blood transfusions and nutrition support therapy, maintaining water and electrolyte balance.
Treatment 2. antiretroviral therapy Antiviral therapy is the key to AIDS treatment. With the introduction of highly active antiretroviral combination therapy applications, greatly improving the anti-HIV effect, significantly improves the quality of life and prognosis.
Prevention 1. adhere to be sure that no prostitution, prostitution, avoid premarital, extramarital sex. 2. prohibited drugs, do not share syringes with others. 3. Do not use unauthorized blood transfusion and blood products to be used under a doctor's guidance. 4. Do not borrow or share toothbrushes, razors, razors and other personal items. 5. Use a condom 6. To avoid direct blood, semen, breast milk and urine contact with AIDS patients, cut off its transmission.
Cure So far no cure. HIV damage a direct result of human death, but it destroys the body's immune system, susceptible to other diseases. Then death.
Case Malicious spread of AIDS
Case: Angela Harris 14 years old infected with the virus Suspected malicious spread of HIV American woman named Angela Harris, aged 26, is the city of St. Charles, Missouri man. Because life erosion, at the age of 14 she was infected with the HIV virus. Since then, however, Harris continued exchanges and more than men, have sex constantly, most men do not know that she is a living with HIV.
Case: Angela Harris 12 years crazy mass poisoning When Harris handed a 42-year-old boyfriend, her relatives began to police the police, he said Harris is malicious transmission of HIV to her boyfriend. Police immediately arrested Harris. In the police investigation, according to Harris's mother confirmed that her daughter was at least 100 men who have had sex in the past 12 years, many of her daughter's sexual partner did not know she was an HIV carrier.
Case: Angela Harris To be sentenced to 15 years' imprisonment Although Harris's boyfriend has not yet detected the HIV virus positive, but local police have issued an appeal urging all and Harris had sex with the man take the initiative to accept the HIV virus test, lest harm ourselves and others. After the news came to light, there have been four men take the initiative and made contact with the local police, worried that they had been infected with the HIV virus, including a 17-year- old boy. If convicted, Angela Harris will face 15 years in prison; according to the official report, said that if her 42-year-old boyfriend was found also infected with HIV, then Harris may be sentenced to life imprisonment.
Problems 1. AIDS originated in ( ) 2. In ( ), the disease was named "AIDS." 3. In ( )China's first AIDS case was found.which is China's first AIDS case was found. 4. Higher incidence in young adults, age of onset of 80% in ( ) to ( ) years, that is more active sex life ages. 5. How many stages of Symptoms?( ) 6. Can AIDS be crued? 7. Who malicious spread the AIDS?
Thank you Eva