Establishment and verification of miRNAs expression molecules for breast cancer and its distant metastasis Yanhong Gao Associate Professor Department of Clinical Biochemistry Chinese PLA General Hospital
Academy of Medical Sciences, Master degree Academy of Medical Sciences, Doctor degree now Department of Clinical biochemistry,Chinese PLA General hospital, Associate Chief physician and Associate Professor The cancer institute of New Jersey, Rougters University, vistor scholar
My Work Information and automation management of Clinical Biochemistry ; Explorating new tumor biomarkers for diagnoses and prognostic from blood by advanced technology methods
PLAGeneralHospital 2015/11/15
PLAGeneralHospital squaremeters 15 floors in the ground 5 floors underground people
DepartmentofClinicalBiochemistry 2015/11/15
Departmentof Clinical Biochemistry 1 Biochemistry Laboratory 2 Immunology Laboratory 3 PCR Laboratory 4 Emergency Laboratory Company Logo m
Biochemical TestItems DiseaseItems number 112 kinds of biochemical items Renal Function4 Pancreatic function2 enough Tumor marker12 Bone metabolism test4 most Nutritional index8 wide Other items6 Molecular biology examination 2 Drug concentration test 3 Blood gas analysis 15 Inorganic ion test 8 Diabetes mellitus 5 Lipid examination 12 Myocardial function 8 Liver Function 12
Technology platform Fully automatic sample processing system Biochemical and Immunology analysis system RSA Pro Cobas /701 、 e602
Emergency automatic sample processing analysis system Combas 221 Emergency Training Combas 8000 FS5600
PCR analysis system COBAS® TaqMan 48 PCR COBAS® AmpliPrep
BiochemicalTestData Every Day : 10,0000 Month : 300,0000 Year : 3600, daymonthyear x 10000
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Establishment and verification of miRNAs expression molecules for breast cancer and its distant metastasis
Breast cancer Breast cancer is one of malignant tumors in women Distant metastasis is the main death cause for breast cancer patients The early detection of laboratory is the key for prevention and therapy breast cancer
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a major class of small endogenous RNA molecules that post-transcriptionally regulate gene expression. Recent researches demonstrated that miRNAs are closely associated with breast cancer the loss of several tumor suppressor miRNAs and the overexpression of certain oncogenic miRNAs have been observed in breast cancers miRNA can be found in the plasma and serum, and it has some advantages over other diseases, and has been shown to be unique in the diagnosis and prognosis of breast cancer, liver cancer, and other diseases.
When breast cancer and distant metastasis occur, it may be that themain (is)thethereleaseofendogenousmiRNAsintothethe peripheral blood circulation. It is very important to explorethe breast cancer and its distant for screening 、 diagnosis cancer. metastasisspecificmiRNAsand prognosis assessment of breast
Methods ( no lymph node GX software calculation of gene expression differences and statistically significant P values Agilent miRNA microarray hybridization groupgroup control mammary gland hyperplasia breast cancer (lymph node metastasis) breast cancer metastasis)
Research Work
Results the normal group was up-regulated, MiRNAs moleculesof whilemiRNAsforgroupB1,B2and B3 were down-regulated. Normal control group (C group): purple; mammary gland hyperplasia group(group B1): red; breast lymph node metastasis (group B2): green; breast lymph node metastasis group (group B3): blue. horizontal coordinates: different colors on behalf of different groups. Vertical coordinates: representing the miRNA molecule. Figure 1. MiRNA Agilent microarray in normal control group, breast hyperplasia group and breast cancer group (yellow shows expressed up, blue shows down regulated).
B1 vs C Result systematisystematip (Corr)pFC (abs)RegulatioRegulatio2_1:gTota2_2:gTota2_3:gTota2_4:gTota2_5:gTota2_6:gTota2_7:gTota2_8:gTota hsa-miR-4hsa-miR up hsa-miR-1hsa-miR-16.39E E down hsa-miR-1hsa-miR-16E-056E E down hsa-miR-1hsa-miR down hsa-miR-1hsa-miR-18.2E-058.2E E down hsa-miR-1hsa-miR down hsa-miR-1hsa-miR-17.56E E down hsa-miR-1hsa-miR down hsa-miR-1hsa-miR down hsa-miR-1hsa-miR-16.22E E down hsa-miR-1hsa-miR-15.87E E down hsa-miR-1hsa-miR down hsa-miR-1hsa-miR down hsa-miR-1hsa-miR down hsa-miR-1hsa-miR-16.44E E down hsa-miR-1hsa-miR-17.43E E down hsa-miR-2hsa-miR down hsa-miR-2hsa-miR-25.87E E down hsa-miR-3hsa-miR-31.46E E down hsa-miR-3hsa-miR-37.05E E down hsa-miR-3hsa-miR down hsa-miR-3hsa-miR down hsa-miR-3hsa-miR-38.2E-058.2E E down hsa-miR-3hsa-miR-31.46E E down
B2 vs C Result systematisystematip (Corr)pFC (abs)RegulatioRegulatioB10:gTotaB11:gTotaB13:gTotaB20:gTotaB22:gTotaB42:gTotaB47:gTotaB5:gTotalB5:gTotal hsa-miR-4hsa-miR up hsa-miR-1hsa-miR down hsa-miR-1hsa-miR down hsa-miR-1hsa-miR down hsa-miR-1hsa-miR down hsa-miR-1hsa-miR down hsa-miR-1hsa-miR down hsa-miR-1hsa-miR E down hsa-miR-1hsa-miR down hsa-miR-1hsa-miR down hsa-miR-1hsa-miR down hsa-miR-2hsa-miR down hsa-miR-3hsa-miR down hsa-miR-3hsa-miR down hsa-miR-3hsa-miR E down hsa-miR-3hsa-miR down hsa-miR-3hsa-miR down hsa-miR-3hsa-miR down hsa-miR-3hsa-miR down hsa-miR-3hsa-miR E down hsa-miR-3hsa-miR down hsa-miR-3hsa-miR down hsa-miR-3hsa-miR E down hsa-miR-4hsa-miR down hsa-miR-4hsa-miR down
B3 vs C Result systematisystemati p (Corr)pFC (abs)RegulatioRegulatio TB19:gT o TB3:gTotaTB3:gTota TB35:gT o TB29:gT o TB12:gT o TB17:gT o 1_1:gTot a 1_2:gTot a hsa-miR-1hsa-miR up hsa-miR-4hsa-miR up hsa-miR-1hsa-miR down hsa-miR-1hsa-miR down hsa-miR-1hsa-miR down hsa-miR-1hsa-miR down hsa-miR-1hsa-miR down hsa-miR-1hsa-miR down hsa-miR-1hsa-miR down hsa-miR-1hsa-miR down hsa-miR-2hsa-miR down hsa-miR-3hsa-miR down hsa-miR-3hsa-miR down hsa-miR-3hsa-miR down hsa-miR-3hsa-miR down hsa-miR-3hsa-miR down hsa-miR-3hsa-miR down hsa-miR-3hsa-miR down hsa-miR-3hsa-miR down hsa-miR-3hsa-miR down hsa-miR-3hsa-miR down hsa-miR-3hsa-miR down hsa-miR-4hsa-miR down hsa-miR-4hsa-miR down hsa-miR-4hsa-miR down
B2 vs B1 Result systematisystemati p (Corr ) pFC (abs) Regul atio 2_1:g Tota 2_2:g Tota 2_3:g Tota 2_4:g Tota 2_5:g Tota 2_6:g Tota 2_7:g Tota 2_8:g Tota hsa- miR down hsa- miR up hsa- miR down hsa- miR up
B3 vs B1 systematisystemati p (Corr) pFC (abs) RegulatioRegulatio 2_1:gT ota 2_2:gT ota 2_3:gT ota 2_4:gT ota 2_5:gT ota 2_6:gT ota 2_7:gT ota 2_8:gT ota hsa-miR-1hsa-miR up hsa-miR-1hsa-miR up hsa-miR-1hsa-miR up hsa-miR-1hsa-miR E up hsa-miR-3hsa-miR up hsa-miR-4hsa-miR up hsa-miR-4hsa-miR up hsa-miR-4hsa-miR up hsa-miR-6hsa-miR up hsa-miR-6hsa-miR up hsa-miR-6hsa-miR up hsa-miR-6hsa-miR up hsa-miR-6hsa-miR up hsa-miR-4hsa-miR down hsa-miR-4hsa-miR up hsa-miR-4hsa-miR up hsa-miR-4hsa-miR up hsa-miR-6hsa-miR up
B3 vs B2 systematisystemati p (Corr)pFC (abs) RegulatioRegulatio B10:gTot a B11:gTot a B13:gTo ta B20:gTo ta B22:gTo ta B42:gTo ta B47:gTo ta B5:gTotalB5:gTotal hsa-miR-1hsa-miR up hsa-miR-4hsa-miR up hsa-miR-6hsa-miR up hsa-miR-4hsa-miR down hsa-miR-1hsa-miR up hsa-miR-1hsa-miR up hsa-miR-1hsa-miR up hsa-miR-3hsa-miR up hsa-miR-4hsa-miR up hsa-miR-4hsa-miR up hsa-miR-4hsa-miR up hsa-miR-4hsa-miR up hsa-miR-4hsa-miR up hsa-miR-6hsa-miR up hsa-miR-6hsa-miR up hsa-miR-6hsa-miR up hsa-miR-6hsa-miR up hsa-miR-6hsa-miR up
The common expression of difference miRNA molecules among the B1/C, B2/C, B3/C three groups were 50 Together with B3/B1, B3/B2, B2/B1, the common expression of the difference miRNA molecules is hsa-miR-6090, hsa-miR-451a
The common expression of miRNA molecules, which was obtained by using the appropriate tool software, was hsa-miR-6090, hsa-miR-451a. ht p://
hsa-miR-6090, hsa-miR-451a molecules in the normal control group, mammary gland hyperplasia, breast lymph node metastasis breastlymphnodemetastasisgroupwereexpressed a miRNAmiRNAB1/CB2/CB3/CB2/B1B3/B1B3/B2 hsa-miR- updown up hsa-miR- up
Results The results indicated that the expression of hsa-miR-6090 was down regulated in the normal control group; The expression of hsa-miR-6090 in mammary gland hyperplasia group was lower than that in breast cancer; The expression of hsa-miR-6090 in breast cancer lymph node metastasis was lower than that in breast cancer. For hsa-miR-451a, the expression of hsa-miR-415a molecules in the other groups increased significantly compared with the normal control group. The expression of hsa-miR-451a in breast cancer tissues was up-regulated, and the expression of hsa-miR-451a in breast cancer lymph node metastasis was higher than that in breast cancer.
Conclusion Therefore, we speculate that hsa-miR-451a play an important role in the development breast cancer and hsa-miR-6090 and metastasis of TheFurther validation work will continue