Series-Parallel-Combo1.PPT Building Series-Parallel Combo Models Last revised 12/06/2006.


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Presentation transcript:

Series-Parallel-Combo1.PPT Building Series-Parallel Combo Models Last revised 12/06/2006

Series-Parallel-Combo1.PPT ASENT RBD Analysis – Series-Parallel Combo Models ASENT’s RBD Analysis tool supports a number of different model types. Elements can be modeled in series, parallel, series-parallel combinations, and complex active or standby redundancies. This presentation will focus on building series-parallel combinations. For more details on RBD Analysis click on the link below, and select Reliability Modeling to access a 20 page help file in PDF format.

Series-Parallel-Combo1.PPT ASENT RBD Analysis – Series-Parallel Models This tutorial assumes that you have already built a product tree structure for your project and that failure rates have been calculated and are current. If you need help with this please refer to the Introduction tutorial.

Series-Parallel-Combo1.PPT Step 1 – Select Type of Analysis Two types of RBD analysis are available: 1) Mission Reliability, and 2) Mission Reliability with Repair. For this tutorial, select Mission Reliability.

Series-Parallel-Combo1.PPT Step 2 – RBD Analysis Utility Menu From the RBD Analysis Utility menu, set all of the mission times to 8 hours.

Series-Parallel-Combo1.PPT Step 3 – Selecting the RBD Analysis Tab The default model is to model the blocks in series. When you click on the RBD Analysis tab in the Reliability Manager, it will display the associated model for the item selected. Click on the Edit option to change or refine the model.

Series-Parallel-Combo1.PPT Step 4 – Editing and Refining the Model This figure shows the reliability worksheet for the selected item. We will change the model type to Series/Parallel by clicking on the ‘Change Model Type’ button.

Series-Parallel-Combo1.PPT Step 5 – Specify Parallel Elements Select the parallel elements. Here, we click on Power1 and CTRL-click on Power2 to highlight these two elements. When we click on the OK button we are prompted for the number of required elements. In this example, we say that out of the 2 parallel elements in our model that 1 is required.

Series-Parallel-Combo1.PPT Step 6 – Select the View Diagram Button Click on the View Diagram button to view the new Reliability Block Diagram.

Series-Parallel-Combo1.PPT Step 7 – Generating Reports To generate a report, right-click on the item of interest and select Reports | RBD Analysis.

Series-Parallel-Combo1.PPT Generating Reports (Continued) The RBD Analysis report allows you to report on just the item that was selected or the entire subtree. Block diagrams can be included or omitted depending on the user’s preference. Select the report options, as desired, and click on the OK button.

Series-Parallel-Combo1.PPT Generating Reports – Sample Report This concludes a brief tutorial on building series-parallel models. For more details, please refer to the other RBD Analysis tutorials.