AdditionalControls 1
The MenuStrip 2
Double-click Let’s begin to design the menu bar for VB! Let’s begin to design the menu bar for VB! 3
Radio/Option Buttons 4
Run Program View Code 5
Check Boxes 6
Run Program View Code 7
Note the Following For more string functions: –See page 291 in the text –Visit us/library/aa258891(v=SQL.80).aspx us/library/aa258891(v=SQL.80).aspx For methods in the string class: –See page 281 in the text –Visit us/library/system.string_methods.aspx us/library/system.string_methods.aspx 8 As noted in the text, string functions are indexed beginning at 1, while string methods are indexed beginning at 0!
Run Program View Code What’s wrong with this example? Even though they are separate, we have ONE set of RadioButtons! 9
GroupBoxes (Frames) 10
Let’s see how to use GroupBoxes to create TWO sets of RadioButtons. 11 Note: We only change the design, the code remains the same!
List Boxes & Combo Boxes 12
Some Methods & Properties Associated with List Boxes & Combo Boxes Add(object) Method Remove (object) Method Clear() Method Items Property (collection of items) Items(index) (0,1,2, …, n-1) SelectedItem Property SelectedIndex Property SelectionMode Property Count Property Sorted Property See page 303 in the textbook for additional properties and methods. 13
Consider the following example Let’s write a program that copies the student name in the Text Box into the List Box. 14
15 Expanding the previous example View Code
Combo Boxes are just List Boxes with a Text Box on top. Be sure you understand how to use the DropdownStyle property to select among the three types. 16
17 Member nameDescription Simple Specifies that the list is always visible and that the text portion is editable. This means that the user can enter a new value and is not limited to selecting an existing value in the list. DropDown Specifies that the list is displayed by clicking the down arrow and that the text portion is editable. This means that the user can enter a new value and is not limited to selecting an existing value in the list. This is the default style. DropDownList Specifies that the list is displayed by clicking the down arrow and that the text portion is not editable. This means that the user cannot enter a new value. Only values already in the list can be selected. As its name implies, this is really a list. DropdownStyle Property options
Consider the following example Let’s look at a program that uses the three Combo Box styles. 18
Read the Description Of Assigment-3 19