PeopleSpan LLC | | | | Speaker Wendy Duggan, President PeopleSpan LLC 1
PeopleSpan LLC | | | At what age (non minor) is an employee in a protected class under the ADEA? Does a job applicant have the same protection(s)? How do you/does your company ensure job applicants are not discriminated against? Property of PeopleSpan LLC. Contents for training purposes and not intended as advice or legal recommendation(s). 2
PeopleSpan LLC | | | Federal Laws + State Laws = Compliance/ Best Practices Recruiting and Selection On Boarding Training and Development Wages/ Benefits/ Incentives Job Opportunity and Advancement Performance Management Discipline/ Termination Property of PeopleSpan LLC. Contents for training purposes and not intended as advice or legal recommendation(s). 3
PeopleSpan LLC | | | Presented topics will include: Federal Laws Governing Employment and Protected Class employees Exempt and Non Exempt - Pay and the FLSA W2 or Independent Contractor classification Employee Records and Retention Requirements Workplace Compliance Resources Property of PeopleSpan LLC. Contents for training purposes and not intended as advice or legal recommendation(s). 4
PeopleSpan LLC | | | PeopleSpan will work with you to assess your training needs and design customized training programs; Property of PeopleSpan LLC. Contents for training purposes and not intended as advice or legal recommendation(s). 5