Let’s Talk About Birth Control… SDQwDEbQVkhttps:// SDQwDEbQVk
Abstinence Behavioral 100% Effective Choosing not to engage in sexual intercourse Self-respect Healthy decision making Setting boundaries
Withdrawal – “Pull-Out” Behavioral 81% Effective Withdrawing the penis before ejaculation occurs. Disadvantages: Pre-ejaculate contains sperm; No protection against STD’s.
Fertility Awareness – “Calendar Method” Behavioral 75% Effective Selecting specific days to have sexual intercourse based on the woman’s menstrual cycle/day of ovulation. Disadvantage: Often times, menstrual cycles may vary!
Male Condom Barrier (Over-the-Counter, OTC) 85-98% Effective Rubber/latex sheath placed over the penis to collect pre-ejaculation and semen upon ejaculation. Condoms provide protection against STD’s. Disadvantages: Incorrect use; allergies to latex
Female Condom Barrier (Over-the-Counter, OTC) 79% Effective Fits deep into the vagina, ring holds it in place, blocks sperm from entering vagina. Female condoms provide protection against STD’s. Disadvantages: difficult to use; hard to keep in place.
Spermicide (Foam/Jelly) Barrier (Over-the-Counter, OTC) 74% Effective Injected into the vagina before sexual intercourse to immobilize sperm and block them from entering the uterus. More effective if used with male condom (nonoxynol-9). Disadvantages: not an effective barrier method if not used perfectly
Diaphragm & Cervical Cap Barrier (Prescription) 80% Effective Fitted by a doctor Dome-shaped cup with flexible rim; placed deep into vagina to cover cervix Disadvantages: Difficult to insert; moves around during sexual intercourse; No protection against STD’s.
Birth Control Pill Hormonal 95-99% Effective if taken perfectly Must be taken daily at the same time Progestin & Estrogen or Progestin Only Monthly pack with one week of “sugar pill” Prevents ovulation Thicken cervical mucous to prevent sperm from passing through to uterus Thins uterine wall to not allow implantation to occur.
The Patch Hormonal 92-99% Effective Each patch in place for one week; one week without patch – menstruation. Release hormones through the skin. Prevents ovulation Thicken cervical mucous to prevent sperm from passing through to uterus Thins uterine wall to not allow implantation to occur.
Vaginal Ring/Nuva-Ring Hormonal 92%-99% Effective Small, flexible ring that releases hormones In place for 3 weeks; removed for 1 week – menstruation Prevents ovulation Thicken cervical mucous to prevent sperm from passing through to uterus Thins uterine wall to not allow implantation to occur.
The Shot/Depo-Provera Hormonal 99% Effective Shot will last for 3 months Prevents ovulation Thicken cervical mucous to prevent sperm from passing through to uterus Thins uterine wall to not allow implantation to occur.
Disadvantages for Hormonal Methods No protection from STD’s! Bleeding between menstrual cycle Nausea and vomiting More serious side effects may occur if you are older (over age 35), smoke, and have other risk factors.
Emergency Contraception “Morning After Pill”/ Plan B/Next Choice Hormonal 80-89% Effective Must be taken within 72 hours of unprotected sexual intercourse (the sooner the better!) Large dose of progestin and estrogen 17 years old + available OTC to women and men Prevent ovulation if it has not already occurred Thicken mucous in cervix and thins the wall of the uterus to prevent implantation if an egg has already been fertilized.
Intra-Uterine Device (IUD) Barrier/Device 98%-99% Effective Affects the mobility of the sperm; thickens cervical mucous; thins the lining of the uterus. Can be in place for years Disadvantages: cramping, bleeding between menstrual cycles, No protection against STD’s.
Tubal Sterilization Surgical Procedure 99.5% Effective Tying off of the fallopian tubes so the sperm can not reach the egg Disadvantage: Permanent!
Vasectomy Surgical Procedure 99% Blocks the vas deferens to keep the sperm out of the semen Disadvantage: Permanent!